Chapter 7

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Tiffany put her bags down then with the box still hiding from Jessica, she left the room again. Obviously she has bought a new phone for Taeyeon and is now looking for her. She knocks on the door of Taeyeon’s and Yuri’s room. No one answered. She knocks again. Still no one answered.

“Maybe they’re down the cafeteria?” Tiffany wondered then headed for the cafeteria. But before reaching the cafeteria, she saw Taeyeon and Yuri leaving the cafeteria, heading towards her direction. Perhaps they were returning to their dorm. Just when Tiffany was about to call out Taeyeon’s name, Junsu came out of no where and got Taeyeon’s attention. She saw Yuri walked away leaving them alone then Taeyeon and Junsu walked towards the stairs away from the crowd. Without knowing why, Tiffany had sneaked behind the door close by and overheard their conversation.

“What is it, Junsu?” Taeyeon asked.

“I got something for you.” Then he pulled a box out from behind him. “I know that you don’t have a phone anymore so I bought you this.” Junsu said then handed the box to Taeyeon as he smiles to her.

Oh my gosh, he bought her an iphone! Aish that guy. Tiffany thought as she looks down at the phone she bought Taeyeon. I’m sure that iphone is better than this pathetic phone.

“Woah! It’s the cool iphone that was on those commercials!” Taeyeon got really excited about the phone, but then calmed down again.

Just look as how happy she is. I guess she won’t want my phone anymore. Tiffany thought and sadly walked back to her room.

“Junsu, I don’t deserve this kind of present from you. I can’t take it.” Taeyeon handed the box back to him.

“It’s no biggie. As long as you like it, it’s okay. Just take it. Well, I have to go now.” Avoiding of getting rejected, Junsu shoved the box to Taeyeon then quickly walks away.

“Junsu! Junsu!” Taeyeon shouted but Junsu just kept walking away. She sighs then walks back to her room.


“So what did you guys talk about? Did he ask you out?” Yuri asked as Taeyeon came in the room.

“Don’t tease me. I’m already annoyed. He gave me this iphone but I don’t want to take it.” Taeyeon said as she puts the box on her desk.

“Oh, that phone is really expensive! You can listen to music and surf the internet on it.” Yuri complimented the phone as she looks at the box.

“I know, but if I take it, it’s like giving him hope. And I don’t want that.” Taeyeon reasoned.


“Where did you go again? With that box? Don’t think I’m blind, I saw it the first time.” Jessica interrogated Tiffany as she came in the door with the cell phone box in her hand. Tiffany didn’t answer and just sat down on her bed leaving the box on her bed. By the time Jessica noticed Tiffany’s sad face, she realized something must have happened. She didn’t say anything. She’s never like that unless it’s something serious. Jessica thought. “Tiffany ah, what’s wrong?” Jessica asked as she stood up and sat down on the bed next to Tiffany.

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