Chapter 21

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Just come in here.” Tiffany commanded pulling Taeyeon into the shower stall. “Lift up your_ Never mind, I’ll do it for you.” Tiffany said causing Taeyeon to widen her eyes and cover her body with her arms.

“Ya! Hwang Mi Young, stay back!” Taeyeon shouted. Tiffany rolled her eyes and walked towards Taeyeon. As Tiffany gets closer to her, Taeyeon just closed her eyes and tighten her grip on her own body.

“What are you doing?” Tiffany asked as she bends down and wrapped Taeyeon’s injured leg with a bag. Then she tightly taped around the bag sealing Taeyeon’s leg. “The nurse said you can’t wet your leg either so hopefully this should do.” Explained Tiffany.

“Huh?” Taeyeon let out reopening her eyes. “You meant lift up my leg?”

“What did you think I was telling you to lift up? Your shirt?” Tiffany shook her head in disbelief. “Ya! Kim Taeyeon, what kind of person do you think I am?!” She yelled. “I also put a chair in the shower stall for you in case you weren’t able to stand. Hmph!” She stated and made a face then left the bathroom.


While Taeyeon and Tiffany were in the shower, Yuri came to see Jessica in her room. When Yuri was in the room, she noticed that Jessica was sleep again. She shook her head and walked towards the bed.

“Look at you, sleeping peacefully already. And you were just crying so much earlier.” Yuri mumbled to herself and smiled at the sight of the sleeping beauty Jessica. I’ve never taken such a close-up glance her sleeping like this. Yuri thought as she continues to watch Jessica. Jessica ah, you are truly a sleeping beauty. Have you ever seen yourself sleep? You are so beautiful. Slowly she finds her hand reaching her Jessica’s hair, then brushing it gently. Suddenly Jessica made some movements causing Yuri to retract her hand quickly.

“Yuri, what are you doing here?” Jessica asked as she slowly opens her eyes.

“Uh…I…I.” Yuri stuttered trying to think of something to say. “I came to ask you what you want to eat.” She made up. But seeing Jessica looks like she’s not believing the excuse, Yuri added. “Since Taeyeon can’t walk, I was thinking maybe we should order something and ask them to deliver. So yeah, what do you want to eat so I can order?” Then she let out a nervous smile.

“Oh. Why don’t we just go down to the cafeteria and buy something back for all of us?” Jessica suggested.

“Yeah, I didn’t think of that.” Yuri said.

“Okay, just wake me up when we’re going.” Jessica stated then went back to sleep.

“Did she just went back to sleep?” Yuri mumbled to herself as she stares at Jessica, who’s sleeping soundly already. Just when she was about to turn around, Tiffany came in the room.

“Jessica’s asleep already?” Tiffany asked looking at Jessica. “Sleeping beauty will always be sleeping beauty.” Tiffany shook her head and sighs.

After Taeyeon finish showering the girls went down to the cafeteria to buy their dinner and brought it back to their dorm so they could eat together with Taeyeon.


Morning came and Taeyeon slowly stretches her arms out. She yawns then wipes her eyes with her hands. When she had finally opens her eyes while still lying on the bed, she noticed that Tiffany’s face was inches always from her, staring straight at her…as if she has been watching her sleep the whole time.

“Ya! You scared me! Don’t you know it’s scary to wake up and find someone’s face right next to their own?!” Taeyeon shouted as she jumps up on her bed from the fright. Then seeing all Tiffany does is smiling she rolled her eyes and looked around the room. “Where’s Yuri?” She finally asked.

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