Chapter 26

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When Yuri hugged her, Jessica felt the need to hug Yuri back. And for that little moment she felt a bit of warmth and joy that hasn’t felt for so long. But something stopped her, “Yuri…” she hesitated then lets go of the hug. “I don’t think I’m ready yet.” She revealed.

“Why, what’s wrong?” Yuri asked.

“I think I still like Tiffany…” She paused while staring into Yuri’s eyes as they’re filled with tears. “You have to understand. I need to confirm my feelings, Yuri ah.” She asserted still looking directly into Yuri’s eyes. “I need confirm that I’m not just using you as a rebound and that I do in fact like you. Please wait for me.” She continued. Is it too much to ask? I know I’m being very selfish but I don’t want to lose you nor do I want to hurt you. Please Yuri, please understand me. Jessica thought.

Yuri didn’t want to show Jessica her tears and quickly swallows them back in to her heart. She forced out a smile and replied to Jessica, “I will wait for you. And even if your answer is not of what I desired, I will continue to wait until I can win over your heart. Jessica, I will wait for you.”

“But I’m hungry now.” Jessica joked trying to change the subject. “Are you still treating me to dinner?”

“Who said I was treating you? I was just asking if you wanted to come along.” Yuri replied as the two began to head back to the tennis court. Seeing Jessica grumbles, Yuri gave in to Jessica demand though she knows that it will only be like ripping her own wallet.


“So who exactly is Yoona?” Jessica asked shyly as Yuri and her wait for their food to arrive.

Yuri chuckled then asked Jessica back, “Are you jealous of Yoona?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Either way, you got jealous at the wrong person. Yoona is my cousin. Don’t you think we look alike?” Yuri explained as she sees Jessica’s mood lightened. “And unlike you, I’m straightforwardly telling you right now that I don’t like it when you’re with Sooyoung.” She admitted. “I have confident when it comes to rivaling against Tiffany but knowing you so well, I don’t have any confident if I’m rivaling against an equally food lover.”

“Turning into Tiffany now, eh?” Jessica smirked. “Sooyoung is nice. She doesn’t ask anything of me. She doesn’t trick me. She doesn’t bother me. She just wants me to eat with her.” She replied listing all the nice characteristics of Sooyoung using the fingers of her hands.

“But the thing is you like being tricked, you like to be bothered and most important, you like it when I’m the one tricking and bothering you.” Yuri claimed with a sense of arrogance.

“In your dreams.” Jessica replied and chuckled. “Oh, food is here!” She excitedly welcomed the food that’s being brought to the table.


Although Tiffany had tried her best to keep her mouth shut, she failed miserably. The second she sees Taeyeon, her whole body is filled with excitement as if Taeyeon is like some caffeine substance.

“Taeyeon, Taeyeon ah! There’s a bug!” Tiffany screamed then ran to Taeyeon and jumped on her bed.

“Then go back to your room!” Taeyeon demanded ignoring the screaming Tiffany and carried on with her laptop. “I’m playing a game don’t bother me.” She added.

Tiffany made a face in disappointment and slowly switches to Yuri’s bed, not dare to step on the floor. Being bored, she turned on the TV and starts to watch her favorite drama, With All My Heart (made up). “Oh my gosh, why are you so dumb?!” She yelled at the TV screen. “She obviously likes you, can’t you see that after all the things that she’s done for you?! You will regret it.”

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