chapter 11

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The sound of a loud horn filling the air was the only thing I heard while I felt myself being slammed around in the cab. That feeling you get when you're on a roller coaster and your stomach drops down to your feet was the only thing I could make out besides my heart beating fast.

It's a lie when you say your life will flash before your eyes, well at least for me it was a lie... I didn't see those quick flashbacks of memories and smiles like they show in the movies, my brain had basically pulled a fuse and had been overcome my fear.

Everything was so fast, so blurry, but the seconds it took for the car to flip and roll were the longest of my life. My whole body was shaking and I felt like I was going to pass out while I tried to rack my brain for what was happening.

I was in the cab. Upside down. My head was spinning and I felt like I had during the shark attack, filled with fear. I didn't buckle up my seat belt, so I had been thrown around the back seat, hitting my head a few times. My body ached, especially my freshly healed leg, but it was nothing I was worrying about because as soon as I assessed where I was, the only thing I could think about was Cam.

I spun frantically around, catching a glimpse of the cab driver who's head was bleeding and was passed out at the wheel. I let out a choked whimper and sob, but before I could try and help the man I heard Cam's groans. I looked next to me to see Cam trying to move, almost as pale as a ghost. "Bee," Cam breathed out, sounding like each word was causing him pain. I quickly started to panic at what was wrong with him, but before I could get out any shaky words, Cam signaled me to follow him as he turned around a slowly crawled out of his window, which was already broken.

Tears were rimming my eyes as I watched him plop onto the pavement and I quickly crawled out after him. Oh no. No no no no no. I spotted a bright crimson liquid, all over Cam's nice white shirt and his shaky hands when he rolled onto his back. My heart dropped all the way down to my feet, shattering and beating faster than I could take account for. I croaked out a part scream, part sob, when I saw the large piece of glass stabbed into Cam's upper stomach region, hitting his lungs at worst. "CAM!" I screamed and made my way as quick as possible over to him.

There it was; the flash of memories. But, not of my life, of every moment I have spent with and loved Cam. My older brother, my mentor, my idol, my hero, my best friend...

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP, PLEASE!" I sobbed out, grabbing onto the side of Cam's face, turning it to face me. Tears streaked down his cheeks while his mouth was agape, barely able to get out words. I felt like I had been stabbed, like every part of me was getting it's own piece of glass trough it, but all I had was a banged up head, while my brother was dying in front of me. "Cam. Cam. Don't die. Please Cam. I love you." I sobbed, tears spilling, making an ocean of sadness.

"B-B-Belle," he coughed up some blood, making me sob and scream more while he lifted his bloody hand up to my cheek. I should be the one dying right now, not him... I had already cheated death during that shark attack and because of that I caused this to happen. Cam had a beautiful life, a family, friends, and didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve this! "It's okay, Cammy. Ye gona be okay," I cried out to him.

"T-Tell everyone... I.. l-love them," more blood came out and I had absolutely no idea what to do, this couldn't be happening.

"Cammy. Cammy, no. Ye going to be jus' fine. Okay? Ye gona be fine," I kept repeating that, trying to convince both of us, letting the denial seep in. There was no way this was happening. I'm not losing my brother.

I heard screams, yells, cries, sirens, and people trying to talk to me all around us from others who had gathered around, but I toned them out. Everything was fuzzy excepted for my brother in front of me, fulfilling the sight I never wanted to see.

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