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Roleplay Rules ~

• Be descriptive! 6+ sentence replies, please. Nothing less. If you don't give good, lengthy replies, I will give you one warning. If your replies are still short, I may kick you out. If your replies are too small then it won't be fun for me. This is an advanced roleplay after all. One last reminder, BE DESCRIPTIVE.

On a similar note, don't be too descriptive. Yes I want a big lengthy paragraph but don't give me an essay. Be descriptive but keep it from being like 24+ lines or you'll just stress me out. Sorry, I can't type that much. And don't make your character do 50 different things in one reply. Like what the hell? How will I reply? Just NO ESSAYS.

• Respect everyone roleplaying. I will not tolerate bullying. You can be mean to my characters but not me or another person. If you start a fight with someone in the comments, both of you will be kicked out. So just BE NICE.

• Use third person. Don't say "I" or "You" when roleplaying. Don't use these [*] either. An example of third person is: Kenny closed the book and stood up, putting it inside of his bag quickly. With his head down, the brunette quickly left the classroom. He needed to get away from James and his friends before they started teasing him again. You would think he was used to the teasing by now since it happened every day, but that wasn't the case. Kenny hated being teased. THIRD PERSON.

• Proper grammar is key. Don't reply like this ~ Y r u upset? Did u hurt ur self? No, just no. Talk like a normal person because I'm a grammar Nazi. I cringe every time someone uses Their when they're supposed to use There. So please, USE PROPER GRAMMAR.

• No perfect characters. Last time I checked, your character wasn't God. So no God mode and don't be giving your character every power ever. Give your character some flaws. They can't be perfect. On another note, don't give them too many flaws and make them a whiney bitch. NO PERFECT CHARACTERS.

• Cussing is allowed. You don't even have to bleep it out or anything. Just make sure that you don't have your character cussing in every single reply. That just gets annoying. YOU CAN CUSS.

When you ask for a character, I will ask you for a form. Make your form detailed and fill out everything. If you give me a shit form then I will let someone else take the character. After asking you have four hours to give me a form or you'll lose the character you asked for. I need a real form, too. Don't ask me to look in a book or something because I won't. DETAILED FORMS.

• No smut. This roleplay isn't about smut. It's about boyxboy fluff. That's what shonen-ai means. This roleplay is going to be about boys loving and dating other boys. Not boys fucking. Sorry not sorry. Kissing, hugging, and cuddling are allowed though. I will let you get away with making out, too. I mean, maybe after a while and after the characters really know each other I might allow some smut but I'm just not comfortable with it at the moment. So for now NO SMUT.

• You can take as many characters as you want, as long as I like you or roleplaying with you. Also only one person per character. Don't ask to roleplay with one in pm because it's taken. I will say no. It's not first come first serve. I will give the character to whoever I want. Make sure to keep track of all your characters and don't reply to one and not another. You can have UNLIMITED CHARACTERS.

• Only control your character. Don't control mine. On the same note, don't kill off one of my characters without asking. Don't force mine to date yours. I won't force your characters into anything as long as you don't force mine into anything. Just DON'T CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS.

• And one more thing, make sure you follow all rules. On top of everything, HAVE FUN.

Shonen-ai |Boyxboy| RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now