»|Lord of the Flies|«

150 5 17


Jack Merridew




May 16th [Just guessing]








Jack is a nice guy but at the same time he's a crazy asshole. He's kind of bossy and likes being in control; he gets pretty upset when people are better than him or in charge while he's not. Jack's also bad at two things; listening and shutting his mouth. He says whatever he wants and probably doesn't have a filter in that ginger head of his. He can be pretty mean and heartless at times and some consider him to be a huge bully but.... he can be a kind person. Jack is self conscious and gets embarrassed when others put him down or prove him wrong. He's somewhat insecure too. The worst part about him is his anger. When he gets upset, he'll take his anger out on other people. It wouldn't be a surprise if he killed someone who pissed him off.


Best Friend: Roger
Friends: Robert, Maurice, and the other choir members
Enemy/s: Ralph and Piggy
Mother: Jane Merridew
Father: Peter Merridew
Siblings: N/A
Romantic Relationship: Single


Singing, the choir, his friends, people who listen to him, being in charge, being right, attention, winning, being complimented, being taken seriously, his pocket knife, hunting, face paint, having fun, and when Ralph's upset. He dislikes being wrong, Ralph, Ralph's friends, when he's not in charge, listening, not getting his way, being embarrassed in front of other people, his face, his freckles, and when people don't listen to him.


[I normally put Background but I don't know Jack's background so....]

Jack is in the choir. In fact, he's the choir leader and he takes great pride in that. Most of his friends are in the choir. Simon's in the choir as well but he annoys Jack with all his fainting and quietness so they're not really friends. Jack also knows how to hunt and kill pigs. He normally does it for fun using his pocket knife; Roger helps him. His family is pretty rich and his parents hardly pay him any attention so that's why he can seem like such an arrogant brat most of the time. Jack paints his face when he goes hunting.


Your high school, an all boys school, was getting ready for the student body elections and you were nominated to be president. Your opponent was Jack Merridew; the bossy choir leader. You didn't really speak with him much and he almost never noticed you. You too just never interacted with each other. At least... until he heard that he was going to be going up against you. That's when he started coming up to you in the hallway. Jack would pester you, telling you that he was going to be the president. He and his friends would tease you and taunt you and your friends, sometimes shoving you into lockers. The two of you started your campaigns, both of you wanting to win. Eventually it was the day where you gave your speeches. After that it was voting time. Everyone voted. Later that day you and Jack were standing up on the stage. He was smirking with his arms crossed, his choir cape flowing down around his tall, stick like body.  The lady on the stage held up a microphone and announced the winner.

It was you. Everyone applauded. Everyone except Jack and his friends. You glanced towards the redhead. The glare he was giving you was that of a murderer.....


-You must have read the Lord of the Flies
-Be Ralph [Mature, sensible, kind, leader like]
-Be friends with Simon [Sweet, shy, quiet, faints easily, slightly unstable], Piggy [Smart, wise, made fun of for being fat], and Sam & Eric [Twins, always together, can't think for themselves]
-16, almost 17



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