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Victor O'Donnell [Black hair] • Callum O'Donnell [White hair]


1717 [Older by 12 minutes]


June 6th June 6th


Male • Male


Homosexual • Homosexual


Human • Human


Victor is very loud. And I mean, very loud. He's loud when he's silent. He's very talkative and hardly ever shuts up unless he's yelled at or hurt in some way. He just likes hearing his own voice, or having his voice heard by others. Victor is a friendly guy who loves being with other people, him being the more sociable of the two. He actually gets quite nervous when he's away from his brother and silence makes him extremely anxious. He can get quite annoying at times but most people don't say anything because Callum is usually always right behind him, and they know not to mess with his brother. He does get hit with a sad spell every now and then where he talks less and usually stares at the ground instead of making eye contact. Victor really only talks to his twin during these times. But for the most part he's happy and easy going, and just an all around nice guy.

Callum is the strong but silent type. What Victor lacks in silence, Callum makes up in, well, silence. He hardly speaks to anyone but his brother and his face usually lacks most expression. He seems absolutely unapproachable from first glance due to his dark, forever searching eyes and empty face, but he can't help it. Callum simply chooses to show his feelings in actions rather than facial expressions. He's not emotionless, just, as Victor would put it, "dead in the face". He is really caring and the motherly type. He puts everyone before himself and would do anything to protect his loved ones, especially Victor. He's actually a bit overprotective on occasion. Every once in a while he does smile, but it's usually because of something Victor did. He's highly intelligent and more talented than his brother but tries to keep it on the down low so Victor doesn't become insecure.


Best Friend: Callum O'Donnell
Friends: Tristan Evangeline and Joe McCain
Enemy/s: N/A
Mother: Jane O'Donnell
Father: Deceased
Siblings: Callum O'Donnell
Romantic Relationship: N/A

Best Friend: Victor O'Donnell
Friends: Joe McCain
Enemy/s: Tristan Evangeline
Mother: Jane O'Donnell
Father: Deceased
Siblings: Victor O'Donnell
Romantic Relationship: N/A


Callum, talking, his friends, having fun, being protected by his brother, swimming, playing board games, hot fudge sundaes, their dog Freckles, cuddling, Melanie Martinez, the color purple, dogs, and the summer. He dislikes being touched by anyone but Callum, seeing his brother upset, when Callum doesn't smile, alcohol, not having his father around, strawberries, and being alone or surrounded by complete silence.

Victor, taking care of Victor, swimming, their friend Joe, hearing his twin talk, cuddling with him, reading, playing violin, thunder storms, Freckles, caramel, cool weather, school, and when people are nice to his brother. Dislikes when people bother his brother, snow, alcohol, rape, Tristan, having to talk to most people, when people are scared of him, when Victor is sad, spinach, and blood.


Victor and Callum have always been close. They used to do everything together. They were inseparable. But as they got older, they changed. Victor, for a small amount of time in middle school until the eleventh grade, was popular while Callum was a nobody. They went through a phase where they hardly spoke. They just ignored each other. This was around the time their dad passed away. He had been sick with stage four lung cancer and it was terminal. Their fathers death is what pushed them apart. But then something happened in the tenth grade. Victor went to a party. Callum wasn't invited but he went anyways. Even if he and his brother were ignoring each other, he was still protective of him. No one said anything to Callum when he showed up because most people were drunk. It was a party thrown by a senior that a few underclassmen were invited to. Victor drank some punch, not knowing it was spiked. Callum tried to stop him but Victor just yelled at him. Victor drank more, Callum kept trying to stop him. Eventually he was drunk. Victor went to go to the bathroom. There was already someone else in there; a junior named Tristan Evangeline. He was just as drunk as Victor. And, in his drunken state, he started to rape Victor. Callum managed to stop it before anything too serious happened. He immediately took his twin home to take care of him, feeling like everything was his fault. The next day Victor stayed home from school, feeling extremely hung over. He hated himself for drinking the punch and once Callum explained what happened in the bathroom, he felt completely ashamed and invaded. Callum never told Victor who raped him. That's why he's now friends with Tristan though Callum hates him. Tristan doesn't remember what he did and he actually likes Victor very much, as a friend that is. He doesn't get why his brother hates him. After the incident, the two brothers became just as close as they had been before.


The twins. Everyone in school knew about them. But how could they not? Victor was a talker and Callum was his silent, overprotective brother. I mean, if anyone looked at the younger twin wrong, they would most certainly get a punch to the stomach. You've only just recently joined the school and on your first day you saw them talking in the hallway. The next day you saw them eating lunch together. You never saw one twin without the other. Until one week later that is. It was a Friday and you were heading towards third period. To get to this class you had to pass the twins lockers. But you only saw one. The one with black hair. He was sitting on the floor with his arms around his knees which he was holding to his chest. He was staring off into space and his bottom lip was quivering as he muttered under his breath. The male looked pretty scared honestly.....


-Okay with threesomes


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