»|The Enemy|«

388 3 55


Dot Emerson




September 2nd








Dot is what you would call, temperamental. He's almost always angry and aggressive towards those around him. He hardly has any manners or consideration towards others feelings. He's the kind of guy who says what he wants whenever he wants and doesn't let people walk all over him. Dot is not a pushover. He's as prickly and rude as a cactus and a frown is always decorating his face. The male has a bad, grumpy attitude, and a short fuse. The smallest things will send him over the edge. Dot screams and yells and cusses when he's angry. He's almost scary when mad. He is the complete opposite of nice but there's probably a heart hidden deep within his stone cold chest. Dot is also pretty protective of the people he cares about and would do anything for them.


Best Friend: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemy/s: You~
Mother: Deceased
Father: Mark Emerson
Siblings: A younger sister named Jacquelyn Emerson
Romantic Relationship: Single


Dot likes yelling at you, hating you, arguing with you, his little sister, listening to music, warmth, holding hands though he won't admit it, star gazing, video games, and you. Dot also hates you, he hates being around you and being touched by you. He dislikes when you're right, people who mess with you besides himself, and when Jacquelyn is upset.


You and Dot met freshman year in high school. He was picking on you for something silly you did in class. You had made one little mistake and that had made him laugh at you for no reason. You hated him for that and, well, one thing led to another and soon you were arguing. You really hated Dot and he seemed to hate you too. This continued and soon enough the two of you were enemies. You couldn't stand being near him for five seconds let alone a whole class period. Dot just aggravated you to the point where you wanted to hit him. And one day after school you did. Dot hit you back though and you ended up with a bloody nose. Your arguments and hate for him has grown over these past couple of years and every now and then you'll get into a big fight. Dot is and forever will be the enemy that you can't stand. And even though you despise him, you wouldn't be able to live without him.


It's been a long day and you were tired. You had to work an extra shift at your part time job and it was almost midnight. Yawning, you crossed the street, heading towards the nearest bus stop so you could go home. You didn't own a car and walking would take a while. But, as you walked you heard a faint groan coming from a nearby alleyway. Curious, you stopped heading towards the bus and walked over so you could take a peek inside. It was dark so you had to use your phone as a light. Getting closer you noticed that the groaning was coming from a body on the concrete ground. You knelt down to get a better look when you realized that it was Dot. Dot was covered in bruises and blood and he didn't seem fully conscious. Someone, who wasn't you, had beat him up. Dot groaned again, wincing in his unconscious state, and you....


-17 or 18
-Be just as rude and tough as Dot
-Don't be weak, shy, quiet, innocent, feminine, or a scaredy cat
-Hate Dot


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