»|The Son Of Your Moms Friend|«

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AJ [Anthony James] Scarlett




December 13th








AJ is kind of a troublemaker. He's a big goofball who likes teasing and messing with people for fun. He sometimes does whatever he wants, especially when his parents aren't around to stop him. He is caring and a nice big brother who loves playing with his little sister when their parents are busy. It's one of his favorite things to do honestly. He is a silly guy who will laugh at almost anything, even of its not that funny. AJ has a dirty sense of humor sometimes but hey, he's an immature boy. He's a smart kid who gets mostly A's with the occasional B, it's because he has a big brain and learns quickly. When he's grumpy or tired he has a bad attitude that gets him in trouble with his parents or other adults. But AJ is usually a friendly and sometimes overly hyper guy.


Best Friend: You
Friends: Katie Smith and Jace Cougar
Enemy/s: Lola Fischer
Mother: Melanie Scarlett
Father: Mitchell Scarlett
Siblings: Baby sister Emma Scarlett
Romantic Relationship: Single


AJ likes his sister, playing with his sister, reading, messing with people, teasing, making friends, puppies, cool handshakes, Starbucks, writing, acting like a child, being your friend, you, and what his parents call "emo music" which is basically P!ATD, FOB, MCR, BVB, FIR, PTV, etc. He dislikes upsetting people, being yelled at, Emma crying, when his parents fight, lying, getting in trouble, and country music.


Your mom and his mom have been best friends since high school and the two of you were born a few months apart. Your parents thought it would be cute if the two of you became friends so ever since you were babies, every month your families got together and had lunch at McDonald's. The older you became, the closer you two became. Soon enough AJ and you were best friends. You were always excited for the day that came every month were you would get to see each other. You went to different schools but you talked over the computer or the phone from time to time. To this day you're still best friends.


[Takes place during summer!]

It was that time of the month again. The time where you and AJ and your families would meet up for lunch at McDonald's and you were ecstatic. You couldn't wait to see him! Soon you arrived at the restaurant and you went to your normal seats in the playroom. You grinned when you saw AJ in his normal seat, playing on his phone. While your parents and his starting talking, you went over and sat next to him. He gave you a smile and pushed up his glasses.

Eventually your food came and he was shoving a couple French fries in his mouth while drinking his coke. You noticed the play area was almost completely empty so you tugged on his sleeve. You wanted him to go play with you in the play area, not caring how old you two were....


-AJ's best friend
-Human (Sorry XD I like realistic things)
-14 or 15 (If your character was born a few months before AJ then he would be 15; if he was born a few months after AJ then he would be 14)
-Have a little brother/sister
-Have both parents/keep them from being abusive

[Wow.... that's a lot of requirements... sorry!]


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