»|The Mover|«

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[I couldn't find a picture to suit him so I'm going to describe his appearance! Also enjoy the cute media picture!]


Bryan Wells




May 10th




Just learned that he was bisexual




Bryan has strawberry blonde hair that goes down past his chin a few centimeters. It's longer in the front but shorter in the back and his hair is usually a wild mess. His eyes are a deep green and his skin is fairly pale. Bryan has a few freckles dotting his nose and cheeks while he has a bit if acne forming across his forehead. He's short and skinny and has very calloused feet and hands. He gets bruised very easily but he hardly cares. He wears baggy, sometimes dirty clothes, and likes going around barefoot.


Bryan is a young but very free spirited boy. He's extremely adventurous and curious and wants to know everything about everything. This is problematic seeing as this sometimes gets him into trouble with his parents or other adults. Bryan is a tough little guy who has barely cried. He's always falling and hurting himself but not once has he ever whined or cried about getting hurt. He's independent and reckless. Bryan can hardly ever sit still. He moves around too much. Bryan is fun and goofy and he's almost always seen with a smile on his face. He's a loud mouth who never shuts up. He just talks and talks and talks. Sometimes people think Bryan is annoying but he doesn't really care. He agrees. He thinks that he's annoying.


Best Friend: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemy/s: N/A
Mother: Julie Wells
Father: Fletcher Wells
Siblings: Samuel Wells, Jessie Wells, and Kent Wells
Romantic Relationship: N/A


Bryan likes watching the stars, moving, playing in the rain, his siblings, their pet dog Rocco, being in the desert, his parents, and hugs. Bryan dislikes making friends, sometimes having to move, the day time, when he can't find Rocco, fire, and people who judge him or his family.


Bryan and his family don't stay in one place long enough for him to make any friends. All the friends he makes, he usually has to leave them and probably won't see them ever again. That's why Bryan hates making friends. The reason he and his family are always moving is because they can't pay all their bills on time. Usually they go from place to place when they start going into debt. They pack up and drive away when night comes so no one sees them leave. They've been doing this for years. Bryan likes it though. He thinks it's fun. His parents teach him reading and math because he doesn't have time to go to school. Bryan and his family are usually in the desert staying in small mining towns that usually have a few houses, stores, and one or two bars. His father gambles a lot to get money and he's the kind of guy who smokes and drinks. His mother is an excellent cook and writer. She knows a lot about the desert and just nature in general. Right now they're staying in a Californian mining town. His youngest sibling [he's the oldest], Kent, was recently born.


[This takes place around the 1960's so modern technology isn't around. No cell phones or tv's or things like that]

You live in a small mining town just inside of California. Your father is a miner and your mother is a clerk at the local grocery store. The town you live in is small so you know almost everyone in said town. There aren't many kids your age in this town so most of the time you're alone. Life for you isn't the greatest. At least it wasn't till a new family moved into town. It was a family of six; a mother, father, and four children. One of those children was a boy your age. They moved into one of the small houses that was coincidentally across the street from your house. One afternoon it was raining. Your mom wouldn't let you out for fear of you getting struck by lightning. You sat by the window and looked outside. You noticed the kids from the new family. They were running around in the rain, barefoot. The mother and father were on the porch. She was holding her youngest son while the father was smoking. The boy and his brother and sister who were running about seemed to be enjoying themselves. You wanted to go out and play in the rain with them....




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