»|The Bully|«

662 5 104


Avery Hums


17 almost 18


May 6th




Homosexual, secretly




Avery is a very secretive kid. He masks all of his true feelings behind a smirk and he picks on other kids just to give him something to laugh about. He isn't mean, on the inside, he's just acting that way so people don't mess with him. Avery is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet which is surprising because he's a bully. He doesn't mean to be the way he is, he's just scared of others. He's scared of himself. And sometimes he can't cope with what's going on at home so that fuels his need to see others going through hell. Avery is holding a lot inside of him. He's like a dam just aching to burst. He acts crude and stubborn while on the inside he's in tears. He doesn't like bullying but he does it because he doesn't know what else to do. Avery just wishes that everyone knew what he was going through. He wants others to feel what he feels.


Best Friend: A girl named Katie Wiser but a few months ago she moved
Friends: He has a few fake friends but one real friend is Dean Coppell
Enemy/s: Technically all the people he bullies
Mother: Rachel Hums
Father: Deceased, but her mom's boyfriend is a guy named Austin Perk
Siblings: N/A
Romantic Relationship: N/A


Avery likes being at school, his friends even if they are fake, art class, you, all the people he bullies, his teachers, the winter, his blue hoody, talking, school lunches, and drawing on his hands. Avery dislikes his mom's boyfriend, his mom but only a little, being at home, eating at home, bullying, having to wear make up, showing any weaknesses, and not being able to let everything out.


Avery grew up in a happy family. It was him and his parents and he loved it that way. They did everything together and he was spoiled to no end. He couldn't have been happier. Those were always the best moments in his life. But one day his dad never came home from work. Later Avery and his mom found out that Peter Hums had been walking towards his car that was parked in a garage when a drunk driver hit him. He passed in the hospital when Avery was at school the next day. That's when his mom started drinking. To cope with her husband's loss she started drinking and she was hardly ever home. Soon she was dating her current boyfriend. One night Avery came back from Katie's [before she moved] house to find his mother's boyfriend kissing someone else. Avery told Austin that he was going to tell his mom but to keep him quiet, the man started beating on him. That's how it begun. Now it happens daily. He has new bruises every night and sometimes he has them when he wakes up. At home he isn't allowed to talk when his mom and her boyfriend are home. At home he's forced to eat disgusting food even if it makes him throw up. Then he has to eat his own vomit. His mom never tried stopping her boyfriend. She's always too drunk to care about her stupid son. Avery doesn't tell anyone for fear that no one will believe him, so he hides it. He wears tons of makeup to cover up the bruises and he is never seen without his favorite blue hoody. He doesn't try and fight it. He doesn't cry. He just simply bullies to take his mind off of it. To take his pain out on other people.


Avery has bullied you but to be fair, he's bullied everyone at least once. Everyone has fallen victim to him and his friends who taunt and shove and abuse with their words. They are some of the most hated people in the whole school because of how mean and rude they all are. Avery is the leader. He's knocked you down and laughed. He's purposely spilled food on you in the lunch room. He's embarrassed you in front of classes of people. Avery has even bullied you in online group chats. He makes fun of who you are and you absolutely hate it.

One day you got to school early because you had to help out the biology teacher. As you walked in you noticed how empty it was in the morning. You needed to make a quick bathroom stop so you went to the boys bathroom and opened the door. You immediately froze. Avery was standing in front of a mirror, putting some makeup on his face which looked extremely red, yellow, and blotchy. You noticed two cut marks over his lips that formed an X. He didn't see you or notice you but...


-Don't be a sissy or super shy or a crybaby
-Strong/Helpful type
-Can't be abused/raped at home sorry ;-;


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