»|The Camper|«

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Alex Vincent




December 14th




Recently came out at homosexual




Alex is generally a quiet kind of guy. He doesn't have many friends and he's bad at making friends so he's viewed as a loner by almost all of his peers. He doesn't really mind though. Sometimes he prefers being alone because then he doesn't have to worry about other people bothering him. But once he warms up to somebody he can become quite a nice guy. He's usually seen smiling and he's a helpful guy. Alex is smart but insecure and hates when people compliment or praise him. He doesn't like drawing attention to himself. He rather be unnoticed. Alex gets embarrassed easily and sometimes he gets so upset that he cries. He can get sassy with his parents but honestly he's a very trustworthy and friendly young man.


Best Friend: Gus Walker
Friends: N/A
Enemy/s: N/A
Mother: Mary Vincent
Father: Theodore Vincent
Siblings: Emmet Vincent and Jenny Vincent
Romantic Relationship: Single


Alex likes Panic! At the Disco, when people give him attention, ice cream, the internet, reading fantasy novels, Gus, cute love stories, and sad movies. He dislikes rude people, when his parents boss him around, meeting new people, having to talk in front of people, and being complimented.


Nothing interesting. He's had a pretty average life. He grew up as the oldest kid in his family so his parents always expected great things from him. Alex was a bright kid who did well in school. He met his best friend in the fourth grade and have been friends since. A few weeks ago he started questioning his sexuality. Alex admitted to himself that he simply wasn't attached to girls. When he told his mom that he thought he was gay, she hugged him. His whole family accepted this despite them all being Catholic.


School has been out for a few weeks and you've been enjoying your summer greatly. You were happy that you could sleep in, hang out with your friends, and swim whenever you pleased. But one day your mom told you that you were going to be going to a summer camp for two weeks! You really didn't want to go. You much rather stay home. You tried convincing her to let you stay home but she didn't budge.

One morning you were woken up early and your mom drove you down to the depot where you were loaded onto a bus that was going to take you to Westchester Summer Camp. You were forced to sit near the back in front of a boy with dark blonde hair and blue green eyes. Halfway through the ride he offered you a piece of gum that you took, thanking him silently. You didn't really talk to him or anyone for that matter.

Camp was packed when you got there. Everyone was running around with their suitcases. Some people were saying bye to their parents while others were talking with their friends that they haven't seen since last summer. You felt out of place and alone. You really didn't know anyone. The boy who had sat behind you on the bus, Alex, felt the same.

When the camp counselor had everyone settled down, she started giving out cabin numbers. You were in cabin 7 along with three other boys. You went to the cabin with a heavy heart, dragging your suitcase behind you. Once there you learned that you would be sharing a cabin with a boy named Michael Smith, his brother James, and the boy you sat in front of, Alex Vincent. You saw Alex by one of the bunk beds unpacking. James and Michael had already taken the other bunk bed. Alex noticed you and gave a small smile...




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