»|The Ghost|«

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Alistair [Ali] Fitz


Died at the age of 16, he'd be 20 if he were alive


January 6th








Ali is an all around gentle boy. His voice is soft and delicate. His movements are smooth as well as graceful and his touch's are nothing more than light caresses. Nothing about him is tough looking. He is a sweet, forgiving boy who has a big heart. Ali is the kind of person who'll do anything for anyone, unless of course, it hurts someone else. He's honest but nice about it. If he doesn't like something, he'll say it politely. He doesn't like seeing anyone upset and he can't stay mad at anyone for long no matter what they did [unless it hurt someone else, obviously]. Ali may be kind but he is definitely no pushover. There is a small fire burning within him and he knows how to protect himself. Ali will help anyone, as long as they don't try and manipulate him. He can be angry and feisty, and he has almost yelled once or twice but he normally keeps his cool. Ali is naturally calm and it takes a lot to make him mad, but it is possible. Especially if you hurt someone he loves. He's a cuddly teddy bear as well as a lover. He is no fighter.


Best Friend: It used to be you
Friends: N/A
Enemy/s: N/A
Mother: Janice Fitz [Doesn't remember her much]
Father: Maurice Fitz [Doesn't remember him much]
Siblings: N/A
Romantic Relationship: It used to be you


Ali likes you, watching you, listening to your voice, watching the sunset, and the stars. Before he died, he liked holding your hand, kissing you, spending time with you in general, cuddling, hot chocolate, fire places, the winter time, ring pops, and living. Ali hates being dead and cars. Before he died he disliked rude people, bullying, abuse, rape, animal abuse, seeing people upset, not being with you, and scary movies.


Ali was always lonely growing up because he was an only child. His middle school years were boring and tortuous but his high school years were pretty fun. Especially since he met you freshman year. He sat next to you in math class and helped you whenever you didn't get something. Ali was a very sweet boy and you found yourself developing a small crush on him. You would find yourself daydreaming about him and his silvery blue eyes or his smile. Ali made you happy. Near the end of ninth grade, you decided to ask him out. You, being a slightly cheesy teenager at the time, even got him a ring pop. You would've gotten him a real promise ring but you didn't want it to be too soon, you know? Ali laughed when he saw the ring. It wasn't a mean, mocking laugh. It was a genuine and beautiful laugh. He took the ring pop with a smile and said yes, wanting to go out with you. You took him to the movies for your first date. It was a horror movie and he was hugging you with his head in your chest the entire time. You didn't mind though. After the movie, before his mom picked him up, he gave you a chaste kiss on the lips. It was heart melting. Ali was the greatest boyfriend ever. The two of you had lots of fun together. You watched movies, snuggled up on his couch every Friday. In Christmas, you drank hot chocolate by a fire. You went to the park where you'd sit and watch the sunset and the stars when they came out, holding hands. Though, your happiness didn't last long. At the end of tenth grade you took him out for your birthday. You were driving and Ali was riding shotgun. Neither of you remembered to buckle. You were both laughing and playing around. It was dark outside. You weren't paying attention to the road. You leaned over to kiss his cheek. Seconds later your car was hit by another car in a head-on collision. You surprisingly survived with minor injuries. Ali wasn't so lucky. He died instantly, the air bag had somehow gotten stuck and wasn't able to stop him from flying out the front window.


It's all your fault, you continuously tell yourself, if you had been paying attention then Ali would still be alive. You'd still be with him. Every day was torture for you. You couldn't get his dead body out of your mind; the one you saw in the black coffin at his funeral. You couldn't forget the peaceful look on his face, or the way his silvery blonde hair lay against the satin pillow. You couldn't forget his dull, gray eyes or the flowers that surrounded him. Ali was dead. No matter how much you tried to forget him, you couldn't. He was dead and you killed him.

It's been four years and you still mourn sometimes. You missed Ali's smile. You missed his laugh. You missed his lips and his hands. You missed him. But you knew he was never coming back. You tried distracting yourself from thoughts of your late boyfriend by getting screwed and screwing other guys in your bed when you got the chance. They were just one night stands though. None of those guys loved you. They just loved your body. None of them cared like Ali once did, when he was still breathing.

You couldn't see him but he watched you. Every night he would sit in your window sill with a smile on his face. He's been there every day since he's died but you could never see him. Ali saw you when you cried. He saw you when you had sex with random guys. He saw you when you talked to yourself. Ali was there through it all. In fact, every night he tucked you in and kissed your head. Sometimes he'd sing to you. You never heard him. You never felt him. He was dead.

On your 21st birthday, you didn't leave the house. Five years ago Ali died in a car crash because you weren't watching the road. It was your fault. You laid in bed all day and stared at the wall, only getting up to use the bathroom. You didn't do anything else though. That night, around eleven o'clock and after you had fallen asleep, you awoke to the sound of a very familiar, gentle, and delicate voice singing. You felt fingertips brushing against your cheek, moving hair from your face. You opened your eyes, squinting in the darkness. You made out a blurry, glowing white yet transparent figure. When your eyes adjusted you could make our silver hair and eyes. Then you noticed the smiling face of a boy you thought dead. "Hello, love." The voice of Ali said calmly....


-Have lots of one night stands
-Miss Ali
-Blame yourself
-And you need to still have a "cheesy teenager" deep inside somewhere

[I need a very descriptive roleplayer for him, please]


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