Chapter 4

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Echoes from a splash run through the huge pool room. There weren't many people, about five, it only seems that way because of the wide area. The water feels warm as I get in. Kai checks her phone one last time before doing the same.
"This water feels amazing, I wish every pool was like this." She says while moving her arms around.
"Right". I swim around for a minute or two and float on my back.
"That diving board is really high." Kai says.
As I'm floating, I see it above. It brings back a small memory.
"My mom used to tell me I could be in the olympics for diving." I tell her.
"Wow, you were that good?" Kai asks.
"Nah.. I was okay, but not that good. We used to have a pool with one and I would jump off of the highest one. I saw it in a movie and practiced.
"Get up there!" She cheers. I try to quiet her down.
"No, I haven't done it in a while.. It used to make me nervous every time, Like I'm gonna hit the side or something."
"Come on!" She splashes.
"You won't hit the side, stop saying that."
I'm still nervous.
"Okay Kai," I say as I lift myself onto the side of the pool. "You're gonna take care of me right, you know? If I fall? Just nevermind."
"Adrian get up there." She laughs.

I walk to the diving board and place my hands on the stair rails. As I pull myself up, I look at Kai who's giving me a thumbs up.
Every eye is on me as I make it to the top.
My breathing slows and becomes deeper as I look down. It seems much higher than I thought.
"Arms up with your hands pointed, and keep your shoulders locked." I recite to myself.

"Don't hurt yourself." I hear someone Interrupt. I look around slowly to see a smirking face of the pool boy, it has to be him. Or is it the group of guys behind him, who are snickering. I ignore it and turn my head back and lock my shoulders. After a few seconds of thinking, Next thing I know, I'm going for the water. Everything feels right and my hands quickly reach the water and succeed in breaking the surface.
Nothing but water fills my ears under it. The bubbles swish around my face before quickly going away. When I come out of the water and attempt to wipe my face, My mess of hair has fallen and blocked my view.

As I'm trying to wipe away from my face, two warm hands grip my shoulders and my eyes shoot open.
"That-was amazing." Kai gasps. I just laugh a little bit.
"I was a little scared for a second."
"It was still really high though. Just take the compliment A." She says as we swim back to the steps.
"Thanks" i say as I wipe my hair back.

"May I interest you in a towel?"
I look up to face him. The guy who made that comment.
"Yes." I say as I look at his face while fixing my hair back. His dark hair, dark brown eyes, and golden skin are more clear now. He leaves to go get the towel beside the other guys and Kai pokes my arm.
"Okay I see you."
"He's alright and what are they laughing at?" I whisper.
"So baby, what's your name?" He asks.
Kai starts poking me under water my shoulder and I shoo her away as I'm hesitating.
"Adrian, and only Adrian. You have a lot of confidence I see." I finally say as I sit on the top step. He passes me the towel and sits on the side of the pool with a demanding look.
"I mean, I think you're cute and you look like one of those rich girls, really pretty."
"What does that have to do with anything?" I ask.
"I mean you are right? You wouldn't be here if you weren't."
I squint my eyes and slightly turn my head. This guy is really on something.
"What does it matter? I'm not a rich girl, you don't know where I come from or who I am, so don't assume." I snap. He doesn't take my sudden anger release very well. I can see the other guys in the corner being entertained by this.
"I just thought that If you were here, you had to be some kind of of wealthy."
He leans in a little closer.
"I mean, Im trying to give you a compliment and you don't appreciate it."

My eyes widen. "Um okay, well thanks, but no thanks. You and your friends are annoying." I shoot a glare over to the boys in the corner laughing, who I'm assuming are his friends.
"What's up with you? Man, stuck up." One of them says.
I scoop up some water and splash him with it ,making the guys turn quickly.
"You're seriously rude how dare you?" Kai inputs.
"Come on A, lets go." She says as she pulls herself out of the pool. I do the same and grab the towel to wrap around my shoulders. The guy is standing with a blank look and his friends are just smirking. We walk out together and head to the room.

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