Everyday Life

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-Jack's Point of View-

"....And I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT VIDEO," I say, reaching up to turn my video camera off. I spend a few minutes on my computer, sending the video to my editor. It was the last video that I needed to record for today, so once it had sent, I walked downstairs to grab some food out of the fridge. I check the analog clock on the wall as I grab an apple from the fridge. It was 7:32, which meant it was 11:32 in the morning where Mark, Bob and Wade were. I close the refrigerator door and take a bite out of the red delicious apple that I had gotten from it.

I walk back upstairs to sit down at my computer. I couldn't help but feel numb as I read through comments on one of my more recent video. I cringed away from some of the more hateful comments as I read and I laughed at some of the goofier comments. I couldn't help but laugh at one girl who had posted about reading Septiplier fan-fiction for 14 hours straight. I liked her comment and responded with a "Don't you sleep?" She responded a few seconds later saying "What's that? Is that a word?" It made me giggle as I responded "I'd be the last person to know if it was haha".

I normally didn't respond to one person twice, but she'd made me laugh even though I knew that responding to her would make a lot of people spam her comment, responding to her to try and talk to me. I scrolled through some more comments before checking the time. Reading comments was addictive and time flew as I read through them. What seemed like maybe a half an hour had turned into two hours. It was 9:47 now, so I decided to get on Skype and call Mark. Even though I knew he was almost always busy, I hoped that I would catch him in a rare moment when he didn't have anything else to do.

After a few rings, he picked up, sitting in his sound proof room, his hair unkempt and his pajamas still on. He had obviously just woken up, despite it being well past noon there.

"Did you just wake up?," I asked in astonishment.

"I took a nap, don't judge me!," Mark says, running a hand through his impossible hair.

"Alright then," I say in a doubtful tone. It occurred to me that I had no reason to call him. I hoped that I hadn't interrupted anything with my pointless calling.

"So what's up?," he asked. He obviously wanted to know why I had randomly Skype called him, but I had no answer to that question. I tried to make up an answer in my head, all the while avoiding eye contact with him.

"I dunno. I guess I was just....wondering if we could do a collab video on something. Maybe Overwatch? I already did a video on that with Bob, but I was just wondering if you wanted to. Or even if you didn't want to do it in a video, we could play in our own time," I said. I felt like I was rambling, but I always seemed to do that.

"Yeah, alright. But let's just play in our own time. I kinda just woke up, so I'm not really feeling up to a video. Uh. That is, if you have the time to play now," he says. I respond with a nod and a smile. I was glad that I had caught him at a time that he surprisingly didn't have to do something. YouTube is an amazing job, but it's time-consuming to say the least. It was good to get out of my routine for a little.

I played with him in silence at first, then we'd started raging about the game, yelling things like "Oh, c'mon!" or "That is not fair!" We laughed at each other's deaths and communicated about where we were within the map, most of our conversation being about the game. It sounded the same way it sounded between us when we recorded together, but he was a bit more tired, I could tell. I could also tell the lack of energy on my end, which was strange seeing as I was always energetic and positive. After about an hour and a half, the conversation took a turn, and we stopped talking about the game.

"Are you okay, Jack? You seem a little off," Mark says.

"Well, thanks," I say sarcastically.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way," he says with a laugh, "but really, are you alright?" There was a genuine concern in his voice. It was good to have friends who really did care about me.

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