First Times

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-Mark's Point of View-

I think the worst thing that I've experienced in my life is seeing those blue eyes of Jack's screaming out in pain. I see it every day when I ask him to eat a little more or every time he has to ask me to get his razor out of the lockbox. When he has to shave, I jump up and sit on the counter next to the bathroom sink and watch him, wincing as if I had hurt myself every time he accidentally cuts his neck with the razor, as any male surely did every once in a while. I see a different kind of pain in his eyes when he does that, the physical pain. The mental pain I see every day when he first wakes up and turns over to see if I was watching him squirm at his nightmares. I see that same pain before he goes to sleep or anytime I ask him to go outside and get some fresh air. It had been weeks since he uploaded that video to YouTube and he'd gotten a tremendous wave of support from his followers almost immediately after the video went up. He had since sat down and recorded a "Reading Your Comments" video that had brought me to tears. The on,y comments he read were the positive, uplifting ones or the ones where people shared their own experiences and advice. He seemed to be getting better inch by inch and I was there to help him every baby step at a time. Today, I was going to ask him out on a date.

'Yeah, that's right, a date. A date to the movies and  to dinner. Such a cliché. Maybe I should rethink? No. A date. Dinner and a movie,' I debated for quite some time before finally deciding to just take him to see a horror movie and dinner. I didn't know the restaurants and cinemas around here, but Google helped a lot and I had finally planned the day out.

I had been recording videos on Jack's setup, which was admittedly niftier than mine since his desk could either stand up or sit down. I would miss it once I got back to L.A. Sometimes I missed L.A., but most of the times I just missed Chica, who I'd left with some friends at home. I also sometimes missed the weather, seeing as L.A. was a place of sunshine and heat and Ireland was known for its dreary skies and rain.

I remembered the cute ways that Jack used to complain about the weather here. I hadn't heard a joking tone like that come from him in such a long time. I missed the old Jack, the one I knew and loved, and I would be here for him until he could return to that person.

"You okay Mark?," Jack asked. His beautiful voice snapped me out of the universe of thought that I had gotten lost in. I looked over to see him standing in the doorway, baggy sweatpants bunching up at his ankles and one of my t shirts sagging on him.

"Is that my shirt?," I asked. Jack looked down and then looked up, wide eyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I uh....didn't realize that the load of laundry in the dryer was yours and not mine," he answered.

"It's fine, you look cute in it," I said with a wink. This caused him to blush and sigh away, taking his personal raincloud with him. Jack had gained back some of the weight that he had lost. He was starting to look more and more healthy as the days rushed by. The dark circles under his eyes had lightened up and his poster had started to regain some confidence. The structure of his body was the only hint that he was getting better as the days went on. I loved watching him evolve back into the Jack I once knew. I could sometimes get him laughing if I caught him on a good day with a good joke.

I got up and followed him moments later. He had gone up to his bedroom and I figured I could ask him out on the date now. I walk through the open door and look around for Jack, my eyes eventually finding a shirtless Jack searching for a shirt in one of the drawers of his dresser. I lean against the door and and admire the view of his shoulder blades moving as his arms searched through the desk.

"Well hey there," I say with a chuckle as he jumps shyly and turns around quickly.

"Oh, hey, sorry, I'm trying to find one of my shirts," he says, my shirt laying on the bed (our bed) inside out.

"Just wear mine if you want. But I think I put your shirts up in the closet when I moved them so that I could do my laundry," I say, staring at his chest obviously and not really looking at his deeply red face. He quickly picked up my shirt, I'm guessing because it was closer, and he threw it on, still inside out.

"Anyway, um...what brings you up here?," Jack asked, awkwardly trying to change the subject.

"Apart from the view, I wanted to ask you if maybe you wanted to go out to dinner and a movie?," I asked with confidence. I didn't feel the same confidence that was apparent in my tone, but I was the king of winging it.

"Oh um....I mean yeah, of course I just....could we maybe just see the movie? We could go on a walk afterwards if you'd want to do that?," he asked. I nodded, understanding that he didn't want to eat in public for fear of the waiter asking questions like "Do you need a box? Well, wasn't it any good? Is there anything wrong with it? I could get you another one if you'd like?" Because Jack never ate as much as a normal person. He'd gotten better about it and picking at his food was something Jack was an expert at.

"Sounds like a date then," I said, smirking. Jack turned red and struggled to find a change in subject. I loved making Jack so awkward, red was such an adorable color on the green haired Irishman. He looked just like a Christmas card.

"You're so cute sometimes, you know?," I asked aloud.

"Shut up," I heard him whine as he walked into the bathroom and started a shower. I recorded a video of a little flash game that had gotten me emotional and I turned my head when Jack opened the shower door. I finished up the recording and turned off the camera. He walked out of the bathroom, his hair soaked and plastered to his forehead, wearing just a towel because he couldn't hear me and probably didn't know I was still in the room. I looked him up and down as he towered his hair dry, not yet noticing me. I wanted to walk towards him like they do in movies and take his fragile, little decorated skeleton into my arms and kiss him. So that's what I did.

Rising from the chair and walking across the room was easy. I was swift and my steps were quiet. He didn't notice I was behind him until I wrapped my arms firmly around his waist and kissed the spot between his neck and shoulder. The initial shock had him frozen but with the kiss he sank into my arms.

"Hey, this is after date stuff, mister," Jack joked.

"We'll hurry up and get ready," I say, letting him go and turning to leave.

"I was only teasing, come here," Jack said as he grabbed the front of my shirt in his fist and pulled my shocked self into a kiss. It was the first time that Jack had kissed me. I mean, we had shared many kisses, but all of them were either started by me or kind of a mutual decision. This was the first time he had mustered up the courage to kiss me. It was a lovely feeling, seeing that the person you showed affection for actually returned that same affection. So, I wrapped my arms around him as he placed his still-wet hands on my chest. I felt him breathing and my heart started to beat quickly.

We were probably going to be late for our movie.

No, I do not write smut, but I also don't pretend like these things don't happen, so here ya go. Here's my compromise with reality. I write in subtle clue sometimes and sometimes I like to write in very obvious things. I just don't ever detail it. Because, I don't know, I've never written it and I'm a little scared tbh. Anyways, thanks so much for reading, yada yada, and I will see you guys in the next chapter, buh bye! <3

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