No Other Option

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-Mark's Point of View-
{Proceed With Caution}

I was wrong.

Oh God, I was so wrong.

I had woken mere moments ago, expecting Jack to be in my arms, cuddling to me, safe in my arms.

And now, oh God there was so much blood.

The first thing I did was check for a pulse, finding a weak one....all of a sudden I found myself screaming. I was crying, screaming, freaking out....I felt my mind unhinge from wherever it normally was. Normally, I was great under pressure and now....

Oh God, so much blood.

The life was draining out of the man that I love in the form of red liquid, hot and sticky. I was covered in it. I was covered in his life, which should be flowing through his veins. But his life was leaving him, and my mind was leaving me.

All I saw was the pale, expressionless face of the man I love, with tears streaming down his unconscious face.

There was so much blood.

I vaguely heard people come into the room, exchange words, and leave hurriedly. About fifteen minutes after that, people were there, in the bathroom with a screaming, crying, madman and a bleeding, unconscious Irishman. They were trying to take him away from me. They tried to lift Jack away from me. So I screamed and kicked and punched at them until I felt something sting the back of my neck. The consciousness bled from me and I found myself on the floor in a pool of something warm. I kicked and screamed until everything faded to black.

I remember waking up in a clean, white room and feeling loopy.  Somebody was trying to talk to me, and I squinted my eyes, seeing the blurred version of a hospital room. There were three Wades, and that was a scary thought. He sat to the left of me. I was confused, where was Jack? He should be with me if I was in the hospital, and all of a sudden a hazy memory faded back into my mind. Wade was calling somebody as the memory hit me, all at once, clear as day.

I was screaming before I knew that I was screaming. Wade was at my side, holding down an an arm that I didn't know that I was flailing until now I brought both my hands down to my sides and punched the bed in frustration. A nurse ran in, followed by a man with a needle. They tried to hold me down, but ended up having to call in extra people. When five people, including Wade were holding down my limbs and my head, they finally got me still enough to inject me with the needle.

I heard, "He's definitely in shock." before I drifted off into the darkness again.

When I opened my eyes this time, I knew what had happened with Jack. I knew immediately, as the memory had been seared into the backs of my eyelids. The memory had replayed and replayed in my dreams, keeping me in a constant state of grief and frustration. I was so angry that I hadn't done anything. I wondered how Jack was, feeling sleepy when I opened my eyes to find the room dark and almost empty. Wade was sat in the corner, curled up on a recliner. I tried to sit up, but I found myself tied down.

I started to panic now, the beeping sound in the room starting to increase in pace. A nurse came in, woke Wade up and he came to stand beside me, putting his hand on my arm. His eyes were puffy and red and his cheeks were tear-stained, but he looked at me with a half-assed smile.

"Mark, we just wanted to tell you that they got Jack stable. He's not out of the woods yet, but they gave him blood transfusions and they stitched him up. They're also going to put him on antidepressants.....when he gets out of this," Wade said, emphasizing the word "when" like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince me. I calmed a little as the words got processed, and my mind still felt hazy as the nurse changed out the bag on my IV.

"Rest now," Wade said, and I felt myself falling back into the darkness.

It was only when I awoke again that my mind stopped feeling so fuzzy. After remembering what happened to Jack, I didn't go crazy like I had been doing, I just felt a raw pain. I felt this pain starting to grow right where my heart is and metastasizing from there. The pain numbed my mind and I started to cry. I relentlessly cried until someone was at my side. I cried and cried, my vision blurry from all the tears. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was Wade by my side. He had his hand on mine, and I could hear his gentle sobs.

"Jack still hasn't woken up, but he's stabilized. The doctors say that it's surprising that he's this stable, taking into account the amount of blood he lost. Jack is a trooper, they say," Wade explains.

This only makes me cry more. Why had he done it? Did he truly feel like there was no other option? Had I given him no other option?

"Oh, God, Wade....there was so much blood," I said, crying more.

He didn't respond, only squeezed my hand really tight.

"Can I see him?," I asked.

"The doctors don't think you should until you get past the "initial shock". I don't'll have to ask the nurse next time she's in here....," Wade responded.

"I just want to see him....," I cried out, tears shaking my body once again.

"I can Facetime Bob....he's in Jack's room," Wade offered.

"Please, would you? It's.....better than nothing," I said.

"Sure thing, of course," Wade responded, pulling out his phone and dialing up Bob. Bob answered after three rings and he and Wade talked, exchanging information about both of our conditions. Jack hadn't changed. Finally, Wade handed me the phone and I saw Jack's face, paler than usual (which seemed nearly impossible for the Irishman), laying peacefully on the hospital bed. He looked as if he could be sleeping, as if he wasn't in any pain. It calmed me to see him like this.

"Please, Wade, I want to be with him if he wakes up," I said.

Wade nodded.

"I'll see what I can do."

Sorry the chapter was short. You're never alone, I'll be happy to help you if you think I'd be of any help. Much love <3 See you in the next chapter.

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