The Visit

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-Mark's Point of View-

It had been a few weeks since Jack had responded to me or any of his other friends. He hadn't uploaded a video in a few days and my social media was crowded with concerned fans. Fear gripped my heart and made my chest feel constricted every time I thought about what could've happened to him. I curse myself for not forcing help onto him, but I realize that you can never help people who don't want it. I roll out of bed and frantically began to pack, not realizing that I had spent 30 minutes in bed reflecting on what could happen today.

I shove a month's worth of clothes and supplies into my three suitcases, shaking from panic. I check that I have my passport, wallet, keys, phone and the paper I wrote Jack's address on and I ran from the house to the Uber driver that had been impatiently parked in front of my house for ten minutes.

I was going to Ireland.

Opening my phone, I looked at all the texts that I had sent Jack and all the times I tried to call him. With little hope of a response, I sent another text before opening up my web browser. I searched through news reports from his town in Ireland and was relieved when I saw nothing worrisome where Jack was concerned.


The plane ride over was gruelingly long and my stomach turned with anxiety at what I might find when I arrive to his house. I filmed a vlog while on the plane, documenting it as a trip to go see Jack. When I got Jack up and running again, I could upload it to my page so that Jack's fans would feel less troubled at his disappearance. Just like me, all the fandom wanted to see was his return to health.

I slept a little on the flight and after what felt like forever, we landed. I dreamt of Jack's smile, the friendliest smile I'd ever had the privilege to meet. I just wanted to see that warm smile return to his lively face.

I took a cab to his house and lugged my three suitcases up to his door with some struggle. I took in a shaky breath and gently knocked on the door. When I didn't get a response I knocked more firmly, and after waiting ten minutes I knocked so hard the door trembled. I heard a rustling up to the door and it opened slowly to reveal what I could only assume to be my friend.

Jack looked terrible and smelled of alcohol. The warm smile that I had once known was nowhere to be found. His posture had adjusted to a slouch at best and the dark circles under his eyes made it very clear that he was not on good terms with sleep. The green hair dye had faded from his hair just as the joy and energy had faded from his presence. We both took a minute to soak each other in before I dropped my suitcases and pulled him roughly into a hug. He was small and bony and fit awkwardly up against me but it still felt good to have him here in my arms, alive and breathing. I didn't let him go for a longer than usual time and he finally pushed weakly against me to signal my retreat.

"Mark?.....What are you doing here?," Jack said weakly. His breath was strong with spirits and it almost knocked me off my feet.

"I came to visit. I hope that's alright. I'm going to stay until you feel better," I said confidently. I wasn't going to let him push me away again.

"But I'm fine," he said, but he moved out of the doorway to allow me inside. I grabbed my bags and dragged them awkwardly inside before looking at him.

"You are obviously not fine," I said, taking in my surroundings. The kitchen looked unused other than the numerous bottles of liquor that were scattered across the floor and counter tops. I could hear metal music coming from the living room and I could see that Dark Souls was paused on his television. The living room was also covered in liquor bottles and the whole place was dimly lit. There were a few bottles on the stairs and I wondered what had happened to my friend to make him want to drink his life away. I didn't allow my thoughts to surface and Jack took a seat at his kitchen table.

"You can sit if you'd like," Jack said, his voice lower and his accent slurred. He reached for a half empty bottle of beer and I grabbed it from him before he could pick it up.

"What happened? Everyone is worried," I said. He shrugged and I felt a spike of anger run through me. Suppressing it, I sat down slowly.

"I am not going to leave here until you get through whatever this is. I packed for a month but dammit, I'll move in if I have to," I said. He flinched away from me and got up. He stumbled to the living room and sat down on his couch, resuming his game and reaching for another bottle of beer. I stood up and flicked the kitchen lights on. He flinched away but continued his silence. Searching through his cabinets, I found a trash bag and began to clean up. Emptying out the half-emptied bottles of alcohol in the sink and shoving the bottles into the bag I realized that he was far worse than any of us expected.

I continued my cleaning in the living room and Jack continued to play his game, probably too drunk to focus on anything more than Dark Souls. When I finished the living room, I began to climb up the stairs, but Jack suddenly stood and stumbled to me.

"Don't go up there," he said.

"Why not?," I asked, taking another step up the stairs before turning back and seeing tears in his eyes.

"Just don't. Please?," he asked. I stopped on the step I was standing on, but curiosity pulled me up the stairs with Jack trailing my heals.

I walked up he stairs and into his bedroom and I was stopped dead in my tracks. The breath had left my chest and I felt the life and determination leave my body.

I knew now that I would be staying here for longer than I thought.

I'm very sorry for not updating in a while....a lot has been happening in my personal life that I'd rather not talk about. It's been difficult and I've been feeling very guilty about not updating. But I will eventually finish this story. I am very sorry. Expect an update sooner this time. Much love. <3

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