Late Night Talks

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-Jack's Point of View-

I had never even dreamed of waking up with Mark in this situation. Clothes were strewn throughout the room, a shirt on a lamp, a pair of sweatpants thrown violently in the floor. I had come to realize that we had definitely missed our date, as we had fallen asleep together on the bed and it was dark in the room now. I checked the clock and it was 3:30 in the morning.

"Are you awake?," I heard Mark whisper so silently that I barely heard him.

"Yeah," I whispered back. I guess I was scared to break the silence with a clear voice. I didn't want to startle Mark. I didn't want to scare him away like the way you walk silently up to a bird on the sidewalk so that it doesn't spook.

"You know, I really never thought that this could...happen between us. I mean, it's us," I marveled. Mark's face read an emotion that I couldn't quite make out.

"All I know is that "us" is the best thing that's every happened to me," Mark murmured, pulling my body closer to his. It was then that I realized that I wasn't wearing a scrap of clothing. And neither was he. The events of the afternoon buzzed in my head as I snuggled up to him. I giggled a little, feeling that he still had his socks on.

"You're the best thing in my life right now, Mark," I said truthfully, finally saying it out loud. "I felt so lost before you came here. I honestly didn't think that I would make it and now here I am in your arms and it feels like I have the strength to conquer vast lands and move mountains. make me feel whole again."

A long pause came after that. I could feel Mark chewing on the words, the gears turning in his head as he tried to form the most perfect sentence he could muster.

"I should honestly be thanking you," Mark says, taking me by complete surprise.

"Why, for worrying you half to death or making you abandon your life in L.A. just to help me because I'm so pathetic?," I ask sarcastically. He immediately tensed up like he had just knocked over a vase and he was watching as it fell to the floor before it shattered.

"For helping me to find things out about myself that I never knew. You've answered so many questions that I didn't even know I had. And if I would've known that this", he said, pulling me right up against his warm body, "lied beneath the mask of our friendship, I would've come to Ireland a long time ago," Mark said. I was taken back by his sudden gratitude and passion. I kissed up his nose and he rubbed my back gently. In the arms of this man I felt like nothing had changed, I felt just like the energetic YouTuber that everyone on the internet had seen and grown fond of.

"....when the fandom gets word of this.....," I trailed off.

"Septiplier away!," Mark yelled in a goofy voice. I shushed him, knowing that people in my apartment building were definitely asleep. I giggled as he looked hurt and pouted at my shushing, sticking his bottom lip out. He cuddled up to me even more, the entire front half of his body against mine. It was arousing, but the fuzzy feeling of the cuddling made me just want to hug him tightly and fall back to sleep in the arms of a man who I knew would keep me safe from harm.

"I don't know where I'd be without you," I whispered into his chest.

"Ditto," he said simply as he rolled over and pulled me onto his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same. I put my head on his chest and he kissed my head. I laid on the bed beside him but I held him close.

"I love you, you big doof," I said.

"I love you too, you little leprechaun," he replied. I produced a smile so wide that my face hurt and it felt so strange against my usual frown. My face seemed to stretch to the breaking point and my swollen eyes ended up shutting. I relaxed into the feeling and the smell of Mark's smooth, bare skin and I felt myself drift off to sleep again. There was such a positive feeling emitting from him that even my depression wouldn't dare disturb it. I loved him. I just did.

So sorry for the super duper short chapter. Happy Fourth of July though! I just wanted this to be a quick exchange between them and nothing else so you could see where they stand and such. Normal, long chapters will resume shortly. Probably not the next few days though because I'm extremely busy. Much love <3 Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter, if you liked it, PUNCH that vote button IN THE FACE LIKE A BOSS (and) high fives all around! And I will see all you dudes IN THE NEXT CHAPTEERRRRRR.

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