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-Mark's Point of View-

The funeral was the hardest part.

Nothing really seemed real until the rain fell down, hushing all of us and bouncing off black umbrellas onto other people wearing all black and mourning, some silent, some violent and others, like Mark, collapsed on their knees in front of the casket.

As they lowered the grave into the ground, my heart lowered with it, taking my tears into the hole in the ground that would hold him forever.

Air was hard to come by as my throat swelled closed and my lungs burned. I felt like I didn't deserve to breathe Oxygen if it was no longer pumping through him.

His beautiful face was so cold that day, so different from what it was back then. The green hair had faded, just as his existence from the world did.

I felt like the worst person in the world. I pressured him, I put his life back on his shoulders and the weight had crushed his fragile, malnourished body. The weight of the world had destroyed him, and now it was crushing me, like he had passed it to me in his final moments. I felt incomplete, like a vital half of me was missing.

That vital half of me was being lowered into the ground, soon to be worm food.

The thought of it sent tremors into my body and I pounded my fists into the ground as people left the graveyard one be one.

I let out a scream that I didn't know was coming until it was out of my body. The pressure of my chest was so heavy that I felt like an elephant had chosen me as its stool.

The rain soaked through me and made my hands shrivel, notifying me that I had been out here for too long. I couldn't leave the grave though. I couldn't bring myself to throw my handful of dirt on the coffin and go. I was frozen to the soaked earth, every sob sinking me deeper and deeper into my spot. Soon, I hoped I would be at his level. Then at least I could open the coffin and see his beautiful features again, hold his hand one last time, maybe he'd even open his eyes and whisper a gentle "goodbye" before his soul passed on. I felt anchored to the spot as my brain felt fuzzy and awkward in my head.

"I love you..J--," my voice broke, just like my heart did. I couldn't get his name to escape my lips. It was too hard. My voice had broken as soon as I started the first sound in his name. It was too painful to even think it.

I wanted so badly to trade places with him.

I thought back to the fan support video that had played for him at his funeral.

So many fans had compiled a video just to say "We love you", "Support for his friends and family", "You helped us so much", "I already miss you", but one fan with blue tipped hair and two facial piercings had stuck out in my mind and her words replayed in my head:

"I hope....I hope wherever you go, they treat you well."

That was the clip the video had ended with and it brought a new pain like a shot through my heart.

It was a new pain to think that he had already left me, already gone away from me like he promised he wouldn't. He promised he would stay and fight for me.

It felt so lonely here without him. I felt like the only person left in the whole world. Even though there were billions of people out there, millions of whom know me, I felt so alone and cold.

Was this what he felt like in his last hours?

The thought of him spending his last months in this much pain and agony before losing the battle made me feel the worse I had ever felt.

The more I thought, the worse the pain got for me.

Mind-numbing pain and agony hit me mentally and physically and I cried and sobbed and screamed and hit the ground and found myself anchored to the spot for what seemed like so long.

"Goodbye....my stars. I love you to the furthest universe and back. I always will," I say, as I pull the pistol out of my pocket, cock it, and put it in my mouth.

"I'll be with you soon enough," I say, hearing a deafening sound before everything went black.

".....Sweetie? Sweetheart, wake up. Baby, wake up, we have to get the kids to school on time for their first day," the beautiful Irish accent laughed, throwing something soft at my head.

The nightmare I had just woken up from played in my mind as I groggily remembered that I had to take our two adopted sons to school today.

"Are you okay? You were crying in your sleep again," Jack asked, his hair a vibrant lime green color sitting in a beautifully tangled mess on his head. The natural lighting in our bedroom made him look so much more attractive and lively and I couldn't help but stand, walk across the room and slam my face into his.

"Ewwwwww, gross," our oldest kid, who was 9 exclaimed, walking into our room and running back out. His brown hair bounced on his head as I laughed, while still kissing Jack.

"Tim, have you got everything together for school today?," Jack yelled, clearly worrying.

"Yes, Dad," Tim groaned. Tim had ironically gotten his procrastination skills from the best of us. Suddenly, our 5 year old appeared at the doorway and looked at us with big blue eyes. His short blonde hair spiked up into a shark fin look. His eyes read complete terror. He was crying because he didn't want to leave us.

"The first day is never that bad, I promise. High five?," Jack asked, holding his hand up. Sam gave him a high five, a smile on his face.

"Alright, alright, everybody into the car," Jack says and I admire how he cares so much. I put my arms around him and squeezed him tight.

"Ready to go, honey?," he asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I answered.

I cried writing that first part, which is why I decided to add in a fuzzy ending, because I could not just leave it at that. Sorry for the scare, hope everybody read to the end xD

Well, there's my first story ended. Hope you enjoyed! I know it was short as far as stories go, but fight me.

I love you guys, message me if you ever feel like you need someone.

Little bit of harmless self promotion, I'm writing another Septiplier story, you guys should check it out.

Well, that does it for this one.

Much love <3

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