°Chapter Four°

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Abby POV

I woke up cold, scared, and alone. I got up dusting myself off. "Mommy?" I started walking calling out for my mommy. "Mommy?" I looked down to see a baby kitty with black and gold spots. I smiled petting it, "Hehe nice kitty." I looked up to see an even bigger kitty with the same spots as the baby. She growled at me exposing her sharp teeth. I backed up as she ran towards me. I fell and a gun shot was sounded scaring them both away. I looked up to see a man, he looked at me and walked off. I followed him, "Thank you." He stop, "You're welcome. How did you get out here?" "I don't know." "How old are you?" "I'm five. My name is Abby what's yours?" "Tom, Tom Raven."


"Why are you here?"She asked as I continued to walk and she followed. "I live here with the animals." "Are you like tarzan?" "No." "Why not?" "You sure do ask a lot of questions." She laughed. "Well for starters I wasn't raised by apes and I'm not a savage." Walking back into the jungle she heard strange noises grabbing ahold to my hand. I look at her. Looks like I'm stuck with this one. "Wow." "We'll come on in." I lived in a big furnished tree house. I cut on some heat to get her drying handing her a blanket. I grab my first aid kit doing something about the cut on her arm and knee cleaning it up and put a band aid on to keep it from getting an infection. "Can you help me find my mommy?" I really disliked being bother but if it help get her out of my hair then, "Yeah. I'll help you."

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