°Chapter Twelve°

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Abby POV

Tom was taking me on his boat to find new creatures in the water. While getting far into the ocean waters I spotted something slowly swimming. "Tom...." "Yes Abby." "Look." He walked over towards me looking at it with amazement. "It's a Stellar Sea Cow. That's impossible they should be extinct." "What's extinct." "There's no more of their kinds. They have no living members until now."


A Stellar Sea Cow is herbivorous marine mammal, largest member of the Sirenia. It can reach up to 9 meters in length as an adult making it the largest mammals other than whales. The slowly moving creature was easily capture and was hunted to extinction. It looks somewhat like a large seal but haves two snout forelimbs and whale-like flukes. It never comes upon dry land but uses his forelimbs for lots of things like swimming, walking on the shallows of the shore, support on rocks, digging for algae and seagrasses, fighting, and embracing each other. They are well tamed and fed on variety of kelp. "The world must know about this." I put on my diving suit jumping into the water. "Abby have a bucket of water ready." "Okay." It was very easy for me to lift the sea cow up since it was only a little one. I got back on the boat putting her into the bucket of water. When small they're actually cute. "You found a rare sea creature, good job." She smiled petting the sea cow. "Can we keep her?" "We'll have to she's only a baby." We sailed back putting her back into the water behind the tree house. I went back into my office starting my report.

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