H2OVanoss MPreg - The Mistakes We've Made

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I was so excited for tonight, it was Jon and I's one year anniversary. He told me to stay at home while he shopped, but I wanted to get him a gift. I wanted to show him how much I love him, so I think a blue teddy bear would be perfect! I decided walking would be nicer instead of a car ride. As I walked I thought of our relationship, only our closest friends knew we were together. We dared not tell our viewers for we were too afraid of what would happen, and only I had seen Jonathan's face out of my friends other than Luke. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by two people, obviously a couple, making out very loudly. I ignored them, committed to get my gift for my Jonathan. I froze suddenly, however, I had heard his laugh... I turned back to the couple and I stiffened, there was Jonathan giggling and kissing a woman! But I had to make sure, "De-delirious?" I squeaked out pitifully. The man, who I believed to be my lover, stiffened and slowly turned towards me. When we saw each other both of our eyes widened, but only mine had tears quickly slipping free. I started to run back towards home, Jon tried to grab my hand but I pulled away, "Evan wait!" I completely ignored his pleading shouts and kept running. My mind cycled through what just happened. I couldn't take this! I ran into my house, locking the door behind me. The only thing I could do was collapse onto our, no... my bed and cry. My phone was making all sorts of noises but I could only lay there and wonder why. Another phone call went off on my phone but it was no longer Jon's ringtone, so I hesitantly answered. "Hello?" I sounded absolutely broken, but Tyler's voice filled my ear, "Yo Ev, are you okay? You don't sound too good." I nodded my head before stupidly realizing he couldn't see me, "yeah, I'm fine..." He scoffed, "Bullshit! I'm coming over." Before I could protest he hung up. I screamed out in frustration nothing was fair anymore! Jon cheated on me and I caught him on our fucking one year anniversary, like what the actual fuck?! A wave of heat ran through my body and my mouth began producing more saliva. I knew this feeling and I ran to the bathroom, throwing up in the toilet. I kept throwing up even when Tyler arrived, who he kneeled beside me through my sickness. I was also crying so when my body finally stopped heaving, my friends looked at me with concern. I ignored their questioning looks and got up to brush my teeth, after which I walked into the kitchen and eating ice cream. My friends looked so confused but I just kept eating my problems away. "How are you eating that when you were just sick?" Tyler asked me. I just shrugged, "You want some?" He shook his head with a disgusted look. As soon as the tub was empty I had begun crying again. "Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?" Tyler demanded an answer and I knew with his anger I would have to. I was bawling but I was determined to tell him, "I s-saw Jon with... a-another woman!" He looked at me with sympathy and obvious sorries playing on their lips. "Evan I get you are upset about Jon, but what just happened.... that's not normal, no one pukes then stuffs their face." Tyler spoke gently to me which only made me mad. "NO! I'M FINE IT'S ONLY FUCKING BECAUSE JON DECIDED TO KISS SOME WHORE!" Tyler picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder, and I cursed and kicked him. He put me in the back seat of his truck and he hopped up front. When we finally got to the hospital we waited a good hour before a doctor could actually see us. When they called my name my friend followed behind me automatically. The nurse came in first doing the normal bullshit of checking my vitals while asking the same old questions. Tyler happily answered for me which I silently thanked him for. After the nurse was done she fetched the doctor who just asked more questions mainly about why my friends had brought me here. When he finished he had the most annoying, unreadable face I had ever seen! "Um, Mr. Fong? Would you like your friend in here to hear my diagnosis?" I nodded my head a bit angrily, he has been here the whole time why not let him stay?! "Okay I've determined you might have a rare condition which makes it able so that male can get pregnant with another male." I sat there in complete shock, I-I'm pregnant? Tyler looked skeptical, but despite this the doctor continued his drawl. "It's too early to try an ultrasound, so I recommend going out and buying a pregnancy test. Don't use it until a few days from now to be absolutely sure." He handed me his business card, "Make sure to call me if you find out you are pregnant, and ask for me when you're in labor. I've dealt with this condition before." He spoke with full seriousness and I couldn't doubt what he said was true, I nodded and turned to leave. My friend followed and he didn't make any jokes, we just silently climbed into the truck and drove off. When Tyler pulled into the parking lot of a store I looked at him with confusion. "Stay here we are getting you a pregnancy test." I looked down and blushed, this really was possible I could be pregnant. Wait until I tell Jon- oh wait... I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, that no good fucking cheating douchebag... I cried knowing if this wasn't a dream it was his too.

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