H2OVanoss - Thorned Flowers

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I looked up at the blazing sun and wiped off the sweat glistening on my forehead. It was just another fine day where the sun was out so that I could tend to my garden. I looked back down grabbing my trowel to finish digging out the hole I stated. I picked up a tulip bulb and placed it into the ground before covering it back up with the soft soil. I got off of my knees and rubbed my dirt caked hands together while looking around. My gaze landed on the roses surrounding my mailbox and I couldn't help thinking of him. He was always sweet and thoughtful like the soft red petals making up the flower, but he has that other side to him too. His anger could grow uncontrollably and when lashed ou upon someone it wraps around them, choking them. His anger is like the thorns, always there, but never used until provoked. I forced my eyes away from the red lies and picked up my tools, placing them neatly in a bucket. I walk around to the back and set the bucket on the porch. I sighed heavily before opening the door. To my surprise I heard no yells of rage, he must be out. I smiled a bit and began humming as I went around the house watering various plants. I entered his room, well our room, and looked around. There were no plants in here except for a solitary rose in a small glass vase on the computer desk. It was always there and I kept it alive to the best of my ability, but of course it had wilted quite a bit. "Poor thing. All you needed was a little love, and now you're broken... Like... Me..." I shakily let a breath out and turned back towards the door. I jumped and sucked in my breath quickly when I saw him standing there. "Hi J-Jon." He walked over to me and I shut my eyes tightly, waiting. I felt his hands grab my dirt covered ones. "I've been a jerk to you lately. I'm... Sorry-" his voice trailed off and I opened my eyes to see him looking into mine. "I've hurt you too much, Evan. I'm sorry.." He let go of my hands and left me standing there.

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