Eggs for breakfast

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Eggs for Breakfast

I nearly stumbled through the front door. I read the time on the clock: 2:30. Damn, I was tired. And cold.

I grabbed a hoodie that I had left hanging on the stairwell and threw it over me, walking to the living room when I heard mumbling. My sister was passed out on the couch, her skin pale but her cheeks red, like she was in a cold sweat. Goosebumps rose up her arm, and sighing in sympathy, I laid my hoodie across her. She held it close to her and turned over, mumbling something about Braedon's "beautiful eyes."

I sat on the couch next to her, kicked my shoes off, and snuggled up on the other end. My eyes drifted open and closed for fifteen minutes. I tried to stay awake in case my sister woke up and needed me.

I was lucky that she didn't, because I passed out within seconds of closing my eyes soon after.

I woke up a few hours later to find her in the exact same position as how I last saw her. It was chillier in the house than it was last night, so I set another blanket on top of the five that were already there, and she mumbled "thank you." I smiled, rubbed my eyes, and got up to make both of us some breakfast.

Our Aunt came walking downstairs in her work uniform-She worked full time, since she was our only guardian right now. Her heels clunked against the wooden-floored hallway, and she nearly fell over when she saw Carly on the couch with a big stack of blankets and my hoodie on top of her. "Wha-what?" she stared at Carly, then back at me.

I laughed at her shock, which made her relax and little, and she smiled at me, showing off her perfect smile. Our Aunt was really pretty-she had blue eyes and long, blonde hair that she liked to curl every day because she said it made her look younger, even though she was only 25.

I explained to her that we had gone to a party last night, and the instant I said the word "party" she half-laughed and told me I don't go to parties. I ignored that comment and asked her if she wanted some eggs, as I beated the third one into a bowl. "Thanks, sweetie, but I've gotta go to work, you two take care of each other, okay?" she glanced at Carly and back at me. She gave me another smile, and waved, then she was gone.

Carly was stirring, so I carried her plate of eggs over with a cold glass of orange juice. "How are you feeli-" I started, but she interrupted with, "So how was your closet time with Drake? Did you guys do it? Is he a good kisser? I saw the sex hair!" Damn Drake and his sex hair idea. She looked up at me, her eyes beaming, waiting for a response. I just shook my head, shrugged, and said "It's not what you think. Eat your breakfast." She giggled like she didn't believe that nothing actually happened.

I went upstairs to pack for school-I was going to boarding school this year. Actually, I was starting in two days, on Monday. And damn, was I nervous.


I actually don't like eggs.

I really don't.

just so you know.

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