You're my best friend

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You're my Best Friend

Rosie's POV

I've only been going out with him for a week, and he gets dirty with a drunken slut?! I rolled my eyes at him again, and he kept asking me to let go-everyone was stronger than him. I scoffed at his pathetic attempt to get free, and pulled him upstairs and into a room. I let him go after locking the door, and he started rubbing his wrist.

"What the hell, Rosie? What do you think just happened in there? I didn't even want to go, but I got pul-"

I interrupted his excuses with a slap across the face, which turned even redder than it already was-probably from blushing of embarrassment about what he had done. His eyes went wide with fear and he backed up, telling me to calm down.

"Jay, you know, I thought you were a sweet guy, but well, I was wrong. You're cute and all, but you're a total slut," I spit the words at him, using as much venom in my voice as I could. I slapped him one more time, grabbed his collar, pulling him close to my face, and said, "We're through." I slammed the door behind me, and happily walked down the stairs, feeling extravagant and hoping that I crushed him, because he deserved it.

I noticed Drake as I strutted by and he lightly touched my arm, smiling, and asked where Jay was. I rolled my eyes in frustration, hiding a smile-nobody could not smile back at Drake. I pointed upstairs and he nodded, thanking me. I don't think he had any idea about what happened between us.

Jay's POV

I didn't want to go back downstairs. At least it was quiet up here. I sat down against the wall, about where I was standing when Rosie slapped me. I rubbed my cheek. Ouch. I looked around the room, examining it. I couldn't tell if it belonged to a girly guy, or a tomboy. But I did see condoms on the carpet near the queen sized bed, so I guess this was one of the sex rooms. Sigh. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall-it was still throbbing from when the drunken girl slammed me against the wall. I fell into thought.

Wow, I just got hit by two girls, and one of them was sober... I'm kinda glad she broke up with me-I wish it wasn't for an event that didn't even happen, but I'm going to like not having someone dangling on my arm and talking to me every second of my life... I like the way Drake knows when I need quiet time-besides those times, I don't mind listening to him, whether what he's saying is important or not. Man, I wish I could talk to him right now... I've barely even seen him at all the past week. He had a legitimate reason to say that he missed us in the car. I miss him, too. I've had such a good friend in my life. Did Drake say he was gay? I guess that doesn't surprise me. He has that way about him-but Drake's hilarious, and my best friend, so I don't really care. What if I turned out to like guys?

My eyes opened at that last thought. I guess I'd never really thought about that much. I mean, I've never really liked a guy, but-

"Jaaaaay!" Drake flew through the door, smiling, but his smile faded and he took a couple steps towards me.

"Hey, what's wrong, Jay-Jay?" I smiled a little at his new nickname. He had already gone through "Blue Jay," "Jay-yay," and every once in awhile he'd come up to me singing, "JAAAAYSON DERULO," which cracked me up no matter what mood I was in.

"Hey. Jay," he smiled at the fact that I was trying not to laugh, but he didn't ask what I was thinking about. "Are you alright? Rosie had that fiery-eyed look, what did you do?" he laughed a little and nudged me.

I took a deep breath and let it out. "I didn't mean to do anything wrong. It was more like...well I got dragged into something, and...I'm kinda of glad she broke up with me." I shrugged.

Drake smiled, and held back a laugh, I guess trying to not seem disrespectful. "She was a little too clingy, wasn't she?"

"Yeah, plus she left me for cheese balls," I sighed.

Drake thought it was absolutely hilarious, and I started laughing with him. We both looked at each other, smiling.

"You're my best friend, Drake," I said smiling, but with a serious tone, because I really did mean it.

He smiled hugely, and got up, offering a hand. "I am honored," he grinned. "Now let's go back to the dorm and get out of this wreck people call a party."


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