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He drove the car up a small dirt hill and parked it under a small tree. I realized I hadn't looked out the window since we left, I had been too busy writing my sister back. Maybe that's why Drake was quiet the entire way. When the car was parked though, Drake hopped out, smiling excitedly and opened the passenger door before I even had a chance to reach for the handle. "Come on," he grinned.

I slipped out of the car and looked around: we were at a park, probably one that I passed on my way here but didn't catch the name of. There were hardly any trees besides the one that we parked under, and green grass was the only thing I could see when I looked out into the horizon-except for the sun which was close to setting. Drake noticed my gaze and he smiled and said, "I come here when I want to think. I thought I might introduce it to you, since you've been doing some thinking yourself," he nodded and smiled warmly, looking at me then back at the sky.

"Thanks, Drake, but I don't really want to be thinking about those things. I mean, I don't choose to," I said, my smile fading. He smiled and said, "You know, that's not the only thing you can think about. Sometimes I just stare at the sky and think about absolutely nothing except for how lucky I am to see something so beautiful." He pulled off his sunglasses and hung them n the collar of his shirt, found a comfy spot on the grass, crossed his legs and sat there staring at the sky like a little kid watching a clown make a balloon animal. I laughed a little, but he was too drawn to the sky to notice. I sat down a couple feet besides him, a little further up on the hill so I could lie down.

It was really beautiful, like he said. There was an aroma of reds and oranges, and even some pink and purple that tainted the clouds that the sun was escaping from. I never really thought I'd be watching a sunset with another person, better yet a guy, but it felt right with Drake. "Hey, Drake?" I asked. "Yeah?" he kept his eyes on the sun, but I knew he was listening. "What's your family like? I've told you about mine," I asked out of plain curiosity.

Drake just smiled and kinda laughed. I shot him a confusing stare but before I got a chance to ask what was so funny, he said, "I have enough of a family to be happy," but his smiled faded a little bit into a more serious expression. I wanted to ask what he meant by "enough to make him happy," but he was smiling ear to ear and the sun that only had seconds left until it would disappear for the night.

The drive back was relaxing, especially because Drake was playing softer music, which I thought was non-existant to him. The park was only about an hour away from boarding school, so we would get back at a decent time. I was resting my head on my right hand and my elbow was propped up on the window. It had only been ten minutes of silence and Drake broke it-he started rambling on about how he wished he could live at the park and how so many people are missing out on beautiful things. Then he paused and started talking about the band that was singing the current song in the car, and i laughed at his quick subject change. But I couldn't shut Drake up-nobody could. I guess it was best to listen to him-I didn't mind listening to him, anyway. He started lip syncing and I told him not to get us in a wreck. He smiled at me, and stopped, apolgizing. But I couldn't help laughing when I realized he was wearing his sunglasses again.


hey you.

yeah you.

smile. :D

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