4. Police Encounters

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Liam left shortly after the incident with Melanie to meet up with Paul to somehow get the two of us home.

I sat down on the couch, suddenly exhausted. Niall plopped down beside me. His eyes weren't bright like they were when I first met him, they seemed sad.

"Niall what's wrong?" I ask confused. He shouldn't be sad about something, he is an outgoing guy. I assume.

"It's her, I can't stand her." He says sadly. Was he talking about Melanie? Well he couldn't be talking about me, I haven't done anything.

"I still love her, but after what she did I can't be with her. I can't forget her no matter how much I love her." He says, a tear slipping down his face.

I felt so bad for him, Melanie hurt him bad, and he still loves her. "Aww Nialler. You'll get over her." I say hugging him.

A small smile spreads across his face. I laugh a bit, noticing the change in his eyes. He still looked hurt, but he was turning into his cheerful self.

"Let's watch a movie. I need to get my mind off this. I can tell Liam I will either bring you home or you can sleep in the guest room if you'd like." Niall offers.

Getting to know my best friends band mate? Hell yeah!! I nod in agreement but I decided maybe I should let Liam know myself.

To: Li!

Hey Liam, I'm going to cheer Niall up. Melanie hurt him bad, I'll be home later tonight or tomorrow morning. By the way time to hear about all your embarrassing tour memories ;)


I laughed at my text, but I never got a response. Must be busy with Paul. I looked over at Niall who was also on his phone, probably also texting Liam. A confused look flashed across his face but it disappeared before he came over to pop in a movie.

"What movie do you want to watch Aydan?" He asks glancing down at my phone. My choice? This is going to be a tough one. It's got to be one that'll make Niall laugh.

"Let's watch Mr. Bean!" I shout rather loudly. I smiled as Niall sent me a confused look. He doesn't know what Mr. Bean is!

I search the movie up on Netflix and click play. This was going to be an interesting night.


Niall was continually re-watching Mr. Bean and laughing at the funny scenes. Here we are five hours later and I was standing in the kitchen munching on chips.

A knock at the door, distracted me from the Irish Boy in the licking room and brought my attention to the door. I opened the door to see Melanie there again.

"Well shit you're still here..." she growls loudly. I was not enthused with this girls motives.

"Leave. Now. You are only hurting the little leprechaun with you continually showing up on his door step." I grumble back protectively.

She takes a step forward, taking her right hand and slaps me across the face. Biggest mistake she'll ever make.

I jump at her, but not before closing the door so Niall won't hear. I grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the front of the driveway. "Go" I say in a rude matter.

"Nope. I love him" she says smiling happily before slapping me again. The girl probably can't even throw a punch.

"You fight like the wimpy girl you are" I growl before punching her face rather hard knocking her onto the ground.

I smile at the masterpiece I left on Melanie's face. I started walking away, as she ran at me again. I turned around and knee'd her in the stomach causing her to tumble over in pain.

I started to walk away when I heard sirens coming towards the house. Great she called the police, Niall will be out in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Now! Niall ran outside as I thought that he would.

"What's going on Aydan? Did you fight Mel?" He asks me hurt. I couldn't lie so I nodded my head.

"She had the first hit. Self defence." I say calmly. I knew he wasn't happy but there wasn't anything else I could have done.

The police walked away the driveway towards Niall and I. "Aydan Torez?" The younger female cop asked and I walked towards her, Niall on my heel.

"That's me. If you are here about Melanie, it was self defence she hit me first" I state calmly, yeah I was used to this. I got into a lot of fights while Liam was gone, but he doesn't need to know that.

The older cop looked down at me, "we will talk about this later. Can you please come with us. It's about Mr. Payne."

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