20. Beginning of Something New

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It's time for the big event of the year! One Direction are going on tour! They are leaving for Austrailia today! Has any of the fans noticed the fact that the boys haven't been spotted in London for two months? In fact, sources tell me that the boys of One D are in Ireland. Going home to visit Niall's family? Stay tuned to find out. 

Well great the paparazzi know where we are. "Harry!"

"Yes Aydan?" I sighed. Oh how enthusiastic he sounds today.

"Hazza the paps know we are here. It's all over the news"

"I know. Simon called us a few minutes ago. We are telling them we were on vacation. Which we were... but not for fun for safety." I nodded in agreement. They tell the fans it was a vacation, which technically isn't lying. Harry was right, it was only for the safety of Niall. If he weren't in danger would we have come here anyways?

I hugged Harry before he left to help Louis finish packing. I had packed the night before so I had nothing to do. We were grabbing breakfast from the closest fast food restaurant before we headed to the airport.

"Liiiiiiiaaaaaammmm" I whined loudly. Footsteps trailed up the stairs slowly before a big haired head popped through the door. I started laughing really hard. "Yo-o-our ha-a-air Li"

He frowned while I was still laughing my butt off. I steadied myself up and invited him into my room. "Hello Aydan"

"Li. What do we do for another two hours? The boys pack slow and I am bored." I whined again leaning on his shoulder.

"I still have Toy Story unpacked if you want to watch it with me. I was almost done packing anyways." Liam suggests.I nodded and he stood up to retrieve the movie from his bags. When he walks back in I start smiling like an idiot. 

"Oh and what is wrong with my hair?" He asked his back still facing me.

"It looks like you stole my curler, curled your hair then borrowed some of Zayn's hair products."

He turned and his right eyebrow went up a bit. "That bad?" I started laughing. Harry's curly hair with Zayn's hair products would not go well. Especially on Liam's head. His head is way to precious for that.

We cuddled while watching the movie. It feels like just yesterday we were sitting on my couch at home watching Finding Nemo before he left for X-factor. I started getting sleepy about halfway through the movie. Thinking about the past really does tire a person. "Li...?"

"Yes Ay?"

"I missed you, you know."


"When you left for the X-factor. I missed you" I was really tired. My words were coming out of my mouth as tiny mumbles.

"I missed you too Aydan. I promised you I would never forget you and that I would always love you. I kept that promise. Now sleep my love. We will be leaving in a bit." After Liam's comforting words I fell asleep completely. 

Next thing I knew was that my pillow was gone. I didn't dare open my eyes because I knew he would come back for me. Finally after minutes of being alone, someone walked into my room. I was sure it wasn't Liam and I didn't protest to being carried. I didn't feel up to the battle of waking up fully and walking.

"Aydan.' A voice was reaching out to my mind. "Wake up. We are getting breakfast what would you like?"

"Bag...el" I reply yawning. I sat up and realized I was leaning against Zayn. "Sorry Zayn..." I apologized quickly backing away and running into Louis. 

"It's okay Aydan. Don't freak out. You just roll around in your sleep a lot." Zayn replied referring to my tangled blanket.

"Hits in your sleep too..." Louis added mumbling. I smacked his arm really hard.

"I hit while I am awake too except when I am awake. It is a much harder hit. More painful for the receiver" I replied glaring at him before getting comfortable in my seat again.

"Niall stop eating all the food!" We hear a shout from outside the vehicle. Liam was reprimanding Niall for eating all the food, and you could always hear Harry's deep chuckles following not that far behind. Of course his luscious curly hair would be swaying with the laughter, but that's just Harry being Harry.

"Hazza brought me food!" Louis yells from beside me. Oh Larry Stylinson... 

"No Lou! Hazza brought me food!" I yell too, we were both trying to gather Harry's attention.

"Come now Aydan. Your wonderful boyfriend brought you your food." Stupid Harry just had to totally ruin my fun.

"ha! I win! Louis one, Aydan Zero!" Oh great we are in competition now. 

"Okay everyone needs to be quiet! It's my favourite meal of the day!" Niall yells from the opposite side of the limo. I burst out laughing.

"Nialler food is your favourite meal of the day!"

"Touche." I smiled, sitting back eating my bagel. Louis and Zayn weren't that hungry so I switched spots with Niall so he could eat their food. Of course that isn't my only reason. I really just wanted to cuddle with Liam.

The airport was still a drive away and we had almost all day before we even got there. The limo was comfy, so I truly wasn't complaining all that much. Okay that's a lie. I was bored!

"Are we there yet?" I asked whining again.

"NO!" Everyone shouted at me. Jerks much.

"Fine! Entertain me then! I am bored!" I growl back.

"Yea we sort of knew that..." Louis says mumbling. I got up and smacked his arm again. 

"Aydan One, Louis One. Watch it Tommo. I am coming for you" I threatend before reclaiming my spot beside Liam. 

"Let's watch a movie." Harry suggests. I really like that idea. I jump up and race to the movie section of the limo, which was just a tiny area that had like ten movies to chose from. I saw Step Brothers and popped it in. I sat down with a huge smile on my face. 

"Step Brothers?" Zayn asked glancing my way.

"Yeah Malik. Got a problem with that?" I retoriated. He jumped back but shook his head no. He is totally whipped and not even by his girlfriend. Feel bad for Perrie. I'll have to tell her that when I see her.

Once the movie was over, we listened to music the rest of the way to our destination. "We are here boys!" The driver yelled. I practically jumped out of my seat, Lynda mimicking my movement. We were so excited, as soon as we got onto the jet the tour will start.  

"Yes!!!" Lynda and I shout as we stepped into jet to find our seats again. The tour has now began!

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