9. What Is Love?

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Lynda and Niall hit things off really well. She stayed with Liam and I for the most part , but as soon as Harry returned she wouldn't really NEED to be here anymore. I hope she stays either way.

"Aydan! I need to talk to you about something" Liam says awkwardly. What's with him today?

"Help me pick out an outfit for my date?" He asks. Is bad that I frowned? I don't really want to be the jealous best friend who sabatoges his date. Wait did I say jealous? I don't like him though. Why is this so confusing!!!

"When is your date?" I ask nonchalantly.

"Tomorrow night, but I really want to be prepared. Dani is amazing! I really want to impress her." Cue pain now! Oh there it is, that little nagging feeling at the bottom of my heart. Aydan what are you thinking?

"Sure. We can go shopping later today, I need to go talk to Lynda first." I mumble attempting to sound normal. Did it work? Probably not, Liam gave me the weirdest look ever! I walked away quickly, hoping I wouldn't trip. Left, right, left, right, left.

"Lynda! I need to talk to you!" I whisper yell through the door. I heard giggling, then shuffling. The door opened and I gasped taking in the sight before me. 

"Niall! What are you doing here??" I whispered quickly.

"Not a secret Aydan.Liam knows I'm here, obviously so does Lynda." he replies casusally before stepping aside so I could go in. Niall left the room so we could talk alone.

"We were playing video games, and oh! He brought Nando's!" She exclaimed, totally fangirling. She was sooo totally crushing on him.

"I like Liam!" I blurted out. She took one look at me and started laughing. Not the response I was going for...

"please..! You love him! Niall told me himself, but I knew before he even left!" She claps happily. Okay I am soooo confused. Did I really even like Liam back then? I barely knew her but she knew that I was in love with Liam? Love? I can barely  even admit i like Liam.

Do I like him? I mean I did just blurt it out to Lynda, but that just doesn't seem right. "Okay so I was thinking a double date?? You and Liam, and Niall and I" Lynda says smiling. I can't he is already with someone else. 

I was jealous this entire time. Why I wanted to be with him when they leave for their tour. It's because I like him alot. "He already has a date..." I say sadly. She noticed my pain and hugged me. 

"Don't be sad. Everything will work out if you just believe. Let love come to you, don't search for it" She says smiling yet again.

"Lynda you truly are the best"

"I know" With that she engulfs me in another hug. I got up and walked away quickly, reaching my destination at the bottom of the stairs.

"She loves you mate! Even Lynd's said it herself! She loves you!! I know you love her! Why aren't you seeing the bright side of this lad?" Okay that had to be Niall. Is he talking about me?

"Niall she doesn't love me! I'm her best friend! I can't be with her, if we broke up it could ruin our friendship! I need to make this work with Dani for that reason alone." Liam shouted back, somewhat quietly. Well great, he likes me but doesn't want to ruin us.

"Liam!!! You love her not Dani. You are only using Dani!" Niall yells back, okay well I am really hurt now! A tear slips down my face and I storm out the front door. I was completely crying now. I needed to leave. Where do I go though? I got it!

To: Hazza

:'( Hey Haz, I know you aren't home but can I borrow your flat for a bit? Don't tell anyone I'm there, not even Liam.


From: Hazza

Sure! You know where the key is! Help yourself! Leave Jez with Liam, and I'll be back in a few days. idk what happpened but I'll be home to find out I promise.


Time was up. They weren't going to find me. I made my way overs to Harry's flat, it didn't take me long to get inside and when I did I broke down into tears.What a lovely day! Not... 

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