29. Forever and Always

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~Liam's POV~ 

He whipped a gun out of his pocket, aiming at Louis' head. "We don't know why your place is on fire! What we do know is that my girlfriend ran in to save Amy!" 

He stared us down, slowly moving his gun away from Louis. "Thanks mate" I nodded acknowledging Louis.

"Fine, but if either of you don't figure things out just know that I, myself, will come after  you." He spoke again, with such threat I actually hoped that Aydan could save Amy so he could be in debt to us.

"Yeah and who might you be? Don't say our worst nightmare, because that can happen a thousand times over" Louis quizzed glaring at him.

"The name's Jordan Max. Now you better hope my girl gets out alive or else I will follow through on my previous threat."

Shortly after re-threatening us he ran towards his burning house. "Hey! It's dangerous in there!" I grab his arm spinning him around.

"I don't care she's my little girl! Amy is all I have!" This wouldn't end well.

~Aydan's POV~

We were trapped. How did things ever get so complicated? They used to be so simple. Liam and I used to be able to walk down a street without getting mobbed by thousands of fans. He used to be able to take me to the park and push me on the swings without any hidden cameras following us around. Now? Now we can't even take a cab to a hospital without the worry of getting cabnapped.

Here I sit, holding a crying girl in my arms, protecting her from the smoke of the burning building that we are trapped in.

Tears formed in my eyes as the thought of never seeing Liam again crossed my mind.  I look around, my vision slowly blurring as the room I was in began to light up in flames just as the rest of the house had already done. 

"Thank you miss." I hear from my the girl in my arms. Amy! I sort of forgot about her, luckily she is safe. 

As I was about to answer her and door burst open and a man ran in. With all the heat, I couldn't see exactly who it was, but I was grateful that someone actually came in to help us. Maybe Liam and Louis called Paul?

He pulled Amy off my lap, and helped me stand up. He carried the girl, and I followed him as he led us towards the exit of the door. Suddenly I saw light, were we outside already? It seemed like such a long distance on the way in.

He pushed the door open and I saw the back lawn, where Liam and Amy had previously been playing. I looked up, and realized it was her father. The reason that Liam, Louis and I were here in the first place.

He whispered something in Amy's ear before setting her down. She ran towards the boys who were carefully watching the scene fold out in front of them. I noticed Liam had tears in his eyes, he was crying just as I was.

"You!" He yelled spinning around to face me. "You almost killed me daughter!" 

"I- I was trying to save her" I reply shocked at the situation before me. Nothing happened, no one moved. Suddenly he pulls out a gun and aims at my head.

Everything happened so fast, Liam was running  towards me, I was falling, Louis was holding Amy who was crying and the man who had the gun was currently running away from the scene that he had caused out of pain.

 "Aydan!!" Liam yelled as he continued rushing towards me. Why was he so far away? It was taking him forever to get to me. 

It was at that moment that I realized I felt no pain. You would figure getting shot would be the most painful thing on this planet. "Keep your eyes open Aydan." I hear a voice near by. I don't recognize this voice though, it's not Liam for sure I can hear him crying, feel his body shaking. I guess he is holding me.

"Mr. Payne you have to let her go if we are going to help" 

"I can't... she'll die. I'm keeping pressure on the wound"

"I assure you that we will move quick enough to help her. Please move away"

Suddenly, whatever was holding me up was gone. All the pain hit me at once, and I felt the ground come up to my back quicker than I had hoped it would.

"We are lifting you onto a stretcher now Aydan, please keep your eyes open until we get to the hospital to help you better" 

I lay here in the ambulance, wondering what is going to happen. "Hey, open your eyes stay with me Aydan..." Everything is cutting in and out, I am losing my touch with reality.

"Aydan... Don't leave me" Liam! I didn't realize he was with me right now, when did he come home? Wait what happened? 

"She is dying Mr. Payne, we... we can't save her." I'm dying? No that can't be possible, I was just with Lynda the other day and we were job searching together. What happened?

"You best say your goodbye's son. Don't try to fight it." I better tell him I love him if it's the last time I will ever see him.

"Li..." I whisper, as I use all I had left in my to find my voice to call out to Liam.

"Yeah Ay?" I could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke to me. The condition I am in right now, must be horrible for him to see.

I opened my eyes as far as I could, looking into his tears stained face. "I love you" My eyes started to close but with all my might I fought against it.

"I love you too. Always have and always will. Forever and always"

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