Chapter 13: Surprise Arrival

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"Mom! I'm back!" I hollered as I walked into the house.

"Oh, good. I was starting to worry," she sighed in relief.

I smiled. My mom frowned with a serious expression and immediately my smile vanished.

"Asuna, I need to talk to you for a minute. Will you come to my room?" She glared.

"Um, sure!" I said with a shaky voice. What was mom going to tell me? I suddenly felt scared.

I followed her down our long halls and into her room. I didn't come here usually, for I was forbidden to.

"Come, sit," she said sternly. I sat on a chair in her room.

"I have many things to discuss, but first of all," she stared straight into me, "Why did you lie to me?"

"Hm? I didn't-" I tried but she interrupted me.

"So you think you can just drive away without permission? And by giving an excuse to get away with it! How was I supposed to know you weren't going to run away or leave?" She said fiercely.

"Mom, I, I can explain! I'm almost out of school and I don't need to be driven everywhere by someone! I need to be able to do things on my own!" I exclaimed.

Mom sighed before saying, "That's true, but, I still can't trust you. And that brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about."

I let my mom talk, "I have decided where you will go for college. In fact, I've sent the application and you've been accepted," she said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Kyoto University," she answered flatly.

"Kyoto?! That's nearly across the country!" I think about how far away it is.

"Yes, and it's ranked the best in Japan. It also has a very high level of education. Your grades match up to its high standards and the cost is nothing, considering how rich we are."

"Why didn't I get a say in where I'm going to college? And now I have to go there because I got accepted!" I yell.

"Darling, it was the best one for you. It's a proud college that the best students go to. You'll get a good degree from it," My mother tried to reassure me.

"But mom, I'll be away from everyone! I wanted to go to the University of Tokyo!" I buried my face into my hands. I wouldn't be able to see Kazuto for at least a year! He wouldn't ever be able to go to that school, even if he were in a rich family. Our relationship was hopeless.

"Asuna. You're going to that college and that's that. As a member of the Yuuki family, you must go to the same school as your ancestors and get the same high education. If you can't accept it, then leave," she got up and pointed to the door.

"Mother, please! Why can't I ever do anything for myself?" I got up as well, tears were bristling at my eyes and were threatening to fall, "I HATE YOU!"

The tears fell down my cheeks and I ran out of my mother's room. I wiped at them as I was running to my room.

When I got there I slammed the door shut. I fell onto my bed with tears all over.

"My life is so unfair!" I cried.

Why can't I just choose my own college? My mom has controlled my life ever since the day my father passed away. She would never let me do what I wanted. She would make decisions for me and would always reply with the same excuse: 'It's for your own good'

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