Chapter 26: Coming Clean

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(Kazuto's POV)

I sat in one of my technology classes and listened to my professor as he gave us information on our next project. I checked my phone quickly under my desk to check my notifications and saw that the time read 11:24. Lunch break started at 12:15 for freshmen. About one more hour, ugh.

"I want you to incorporate one of your very own creations in this project, whether it's just a design or a model. The main focus will be to share and display your ideas, to get a feel of the business world," the professor lectured.

Asada and I decided that we would meet up at lunch. I was going to help her with a project, and now I was hoping she could help with mine.

"This project will be part of your final for the first semester, so make sure you put lots of time and effort into it. I'm giving you two weeks to complete it, after all."

* * *

There was a knock on my dorm door. I glanced down at my Smartwatch that read 12:20 p.m. It was a little weird inviting over a girl other than Asuna to my dorm, but I trust Asada. In the past she had feelings for me, but that's the past. She wasn't the kind of person that she was before.

I got up and opened the door. She was standing there with her text books and supplies tucked in one arm, and a pack of lunch in the other. I offered to take her supplies but she declined and shook her head.

"Good afternoon, Kazuto-san," she greeted, coming in and setting her books down on a small table. She opened up her lunch bag and took out a salad and the cafeteria's meal of the day, "Let's eat first."

I nodded and opened up my food from Taco Tuesdays, a Mexican restaurant that was on campus. Their tacos were the best.

I sat down in one of the chairs that belonged to the table, and invited her to sit in the one across from me. Asada took a deep breath and sat down as well. Her cheeks were flushed.

After we started to eat in silence, I brought up a topic, " you eat the cafeteria lunch often?"

She looked up from her salad and with some hesitation answered, "Normally, yes."

I nodded, "I usually switch off every week, this week I'm buying from restaurants in the commons area," I held up my taco and smiled. She smiled back.

We ate with more silence. Asada's phone buzzed and she silently picked it up, her expression turning to annoyance as she read something on the device. She sighed and started to type something. I wondered what it was she was so annoyed by, but I just continued to eat.

About 10 minutes later we were both finished and decided to start on our projects. Then her phone buzzed again.

She rolled her eyes and mumbled, "Are you serious Ak--" Then she suddenly went silent.

Her expression made me wonder, "Asada? Is everything okay?"

She quickly nodded, "Y-Yeah.."

I opened my desk drawer and found a notebook, then took my books and another notebook out of my bag. I found a pencil on my desk.

Asada got up to throw her garbage from her lunch away, and gathered up her project supplies. Her phone rested on top of everything. I couldn't see what was on the screen very well, but I assumed that she was texting someone.

Then, as if she had forgotten that her lunch bag was on the ground by her chair, she took a step and nearly tripped on it. As it was knocked over, the supplies in her arms lurched forward. Her phone flew onto the table.

"Oh--!" She kneeled down to pick up her fallen items. I was about to help her when I got a glance of her phone screen.

At the top of her screen the name Akiko was written. My eyes instantly went wide, and I begged for it to be a different one, and not the one that I knew. My eyes wandered to the messages, where horrification hit me.

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