Chapter 23: Unexpected Threats

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Her heels clanked on the shiny granite floor. Her skirt flowed and swished with every step, resembling a flower blowing in the wind. Her lips were glossed with a cherry red color, as they curled up into a scheming smile. Purple hair swished from side to side against her back, shining along with her gleaming green eyes. In front of her a big bright building loomed above, towering over and beckoning her forth to the welcoming doors that opened and closed nearly every second. Akiko had arrived at her destination, the prestigious University of Kyoto.

She tugged at her shirt, making sure to reveal as much as allowed. Her skirt was so short, every time it went up she had to quickly yank it down. People stared and swooned, most of them men. Each time she caught one staring, she winked and waved. It was similar to the scenarios where the popular girl came into the school.

There was one thing in particular on her mind. Amidst all of the intelligent people that surrounded her, she had to find a girl with chestnut hair and golden brown eyes, as described by her partner. She had seen this girl before with Kazuto. Her Kazuto.

Akiko laughed, thinking of all of her plans of revenge. Asada would get her Kazuto, while Akiko would work on weakening the relationship. She could already imagine the results, and Kazuto was going to be hers by the end.

Just then her phone buzzed. She took it out of her expensive purse, and observed the screen to see a text message from Asada. It read, Are you there yet?

She replied, sending a yes. Not too long after she received another message. Good. Remember, you're looking for a girl named Asuna. She looks like this. An image was attached to it. The girl named Asuna was in the picture, standing next to Kazuto and some other people that were cropped out. She had that long brownish hair that was braided on the back of her head, and those eyes that looked at Kazuto lovingly. Ugh.

Akiko texted back, then tucked her phone back into her purse. She smiled, focusing all of her concentration into her task.


Asuna sighed, resting her head on the wall behind her. So much homework... She thought as she glared down a the pile of unfinished assignments. Just then her phone began to ring. She glanced at the device, scanning over the name of the caller. Kazuto.

She picked up, casually saying, "Hey~"

From the other line she heard his voice clear and happy, "I'm at Tokyo! It's so nice here."

She smiled, "See, I told you you'd like it. Have you met your roommate yet?"

"Yeah. He's um...great.." Kazuto sighed, nervousness in his voice.

"What do you mean by that? Kazuto, is he really that 'great'?" Asuna asked, her smile faltering.

"Well, no..." Kazuto answered. Loud banging noises could be heard from the other line. "Kazuto?"

"I'm kind of in a tricky situation right now. I'm a little scared to be honest..." Kazuto said, whispering.

"What's going on?!" she asked, worry written on her face.

"Uhh..." Kazuto paused, "He's trying to find me, I think."

In the background she heard, "Where are you, you little asshole?!"

Kazuto coughed, "I gotta go, Asuna. I'll call you later."

More banging noises. "Hey, are you okay?"

"I don't know...I mean, I'm fine! Oh yeah, by the way, Akiko is going to Kyoto for college and--" his voice was drowned out by yelling.

"What?" Asuna could only say before she was hung up on. She stared at her phone, confused, before setting it back on her desk. Akiko was going to Kyoto? Asuna had heard that new freshmen were coming in today, so was she already here? And what was going on where Kazuto was?

"Is something the matter, Asuna?" her roommate Yukari asked, looking at her with concern.

Asuna shook her head, "No, everything's fine. Don't worry about it."

Yukari frowned at her for another moment, before resuming her book reading. In all honesty, Asuna wasn't sure what to think. Being separated from Kazuto like this put her on edge, and she couldn't help but worry. Even still, she put on a smile of positivity to clear her mind so she could work on her never ending homework.

Hours passed, and Yukari left for her night classes. Asuna was left alone. She unlocked her phone and tapped on the Spotify icon, opening the app. She went on one of her favorite playlists. Smiling, she resumed her studying.

Not long after, there was a knock at the door. Asuna stopped her music and calmly stood up from her desk chair and went over to the door. She thought it was probably just Yukari coming back from one of her classes quick or a resident assistant checking in, especially since there had been some problems recently in the dormitory.

She opened the door, revealing a young girl who looked to be about 18. She had long purple hair and green eyes. Her expression lightened as she saw who had opened the door. She looked Asuna over, nodding and smiling with success.

Asuna was sure that she had never seen this girl before, but she felt as if she knew her. She shifted uncomfortably. She had a feeling that this girl was no good, with the look in her eyes. Asuna's smile fell.

"Hello Asuna," the girl said. Something in her voice wasn't right.

"Forgive me, but who are you?" Asuna asked. 

"You don't remember? I'm Akiko, the girl who lives with Kazuto," she said, her sweet expression hiding the scheme behind it.

Asuna gasped, the color nearly draining from her face. All of the puzzle pieces fit together now. Kazuto had said that Akiko was going to Kyoto, and Asuna had sworn that she'd seen her before. She quickly tried to smile, trying to hide her surprise.

"Oh...well, I didn't expect to see you here," Asuna laughed nervously. Inside, emotions were being flung around from fear to hate to nervousness. Her heart was pounding.

Akiko sneered, placing a hand on her hip, "Can I come in? I have a few things to say."

Asuna nodded, opening the door wider to let her in. She was about to immediately regret her decision, but she was too late.

When the door was shut, Akiko turned to her, "So, how's your relationship going with Kazuto? Would be a shame if it was shattered."

"What?" Asuna looked at her with question. She could almost guess what the other girl was getting at.

"Don't tell me you're that dumb. You know what I mean." She stepped closer, "Kazuto is mine. If I were you, I would back off before it's too late."

Asuna's eyes widened. The sudden threat had caught her off guard. What this girl was saying made no sense, Kazuto was obviously not "hers" and she had little to no chance with him. But at the same time, it pained Asuna. The words stabbed through her, suffocating her will to stay calm. Here she was thinking that everything would end up okay and there would be no problems, but she wasn't so sure now.

Akiko smiled with pleasure. "I hope you think about that, and make the right choice. You don't want to mess with me." She pulled away, stepping back and turning around. Her smile was as scheming as ever.

Asuna glared at her, even though her breath had quickened. She was speechless, unable to say anything back. No words found their way through her mouth. She was panicking inside, not knowing what to do. She knew one thing though.

She could never let Akiko have Kazuto.


Gahhh sorry for the late and crappy chapter. I didn't have much motivation to write this, so it came in later than I expected. Writer's block is getting to me, ugh. Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed even if it wasn't that great (in my opinion). 

Ahh, sorry for the negativity. See you next level! ~Ashlie

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