Chapter 1

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Magnus studied his dark blue glittering nail polish. In the dim light which the limo let in through its darkly tinted glass, they shimmered and gleamed whenever he moved his hands even the slightest bit. They were bright and unique, no other male celebrity he had met would dare making such a statement, but then again, Magnus wasn't like most other male celebrities.

He supposed it was what the people loved best about him.

It was a pretty color, he mused to himself, looking at his slender fingers, each painted the deep color. Yet, maybe it was just a bit...dull. Magnus Bane hated being dull. Perhaps he would repaint them later, maybe a bright shade of scarlet or perhaps violet. Of course, he had people who would do it for him, but this was something he quite preferred to do on his own. It was his own way of relaxing, he supposed, it was a way for him to get away from all the attention and work he had to deal with. He observed his nails more carefully, then again, he hadn't used green nail polish in a while.

He was still thinking about the colors his nails should be when the limo rolled to a smooth stop. He ran a hand through his hair, feeling the soft, familiar dark spikes which had been caked with glitter for the occasion. Glitter was perfect for any occasion.

He heard people outside hurry to open his door, and the second the door was open, he was met with the bright, blinding flashes of cameras. An orchestra of cheers and questions came rushing into his ears all at once, thundering and chaotic. Magnus remembered the first movie premiere he had gone to, Catastrophic Magic, in which he had played the main, dashing character, a young prince with a flair for adventure. When he had first stepped out for the first time, he had been a bit overwhelmed by all the commotion. He could barely hear himself think all over the loud shouts, and he had wanted to back up immediately into the limo and order the driver to drive away as fast as possible. He was used to it now, though, and put on his usual confident smirk for everyone.

Magnus strode down towards the looming building in front of him, which was known as the Institute. The Institute was a very famous hall, where all the finest and fanciest parties, balls, and galas were all held by only the most famous celebrities. The entire place was a work of art itself, and Magnus took a bit of time to admire its fine architecture as he walked down towards the door. It loomed over him, made out of thick concrete and engraved with elegant designs, all the way down to the double, large mahogany doors. Pretty statues of people clothed fancily sat by a couple of the balconies, waving out wordlessly to him.

He blocked out most of the sounds, ushered along by his bodyguards.

"I have no clue why they go insane over you," murmured one of them, the voice was gruff and familiar. A small smile curled his lip when he recognized it instantly. It was one of his bodyguards, Mr. Ragnor Fell, shoving a few rowdy limbs and microphones out of the way as they made their way. Ragnor had been guarding and protecting Magnus since his third movie premiere, and had always been a very major nuisance to Magnus. He was also one of his very best friends.

"I am fabulous," he replied, lowering his voice and leaning in more towards Ragnor to be heard over the cheers of his fans and the loud questions of the reporters. Ragnor grumbled something back to him, but his words were swept away abruptly with the sounds of the crowd.

One reporter, a little thing with fiery red hair, rushed over to him. Magnus recognized from the microphone she held in her hand that she was from Shadowhunter Gossip, but he knew that company very well and had never seen her before.

She turned to her loyal cameraman, which was a thin, rake-like young man with curling brown hair.

"Move the camera a bit closer, Simon!" she told him, and the cameraman, Simon, Magnus guess, obliged immediately.

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