Chapter 14

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Today was not a very tranquil day for Alec, was it?

He and the rest of his family had long left Shadowhunter Gossip Headquarters once his mother was satisfied with all the answers he had given her about what had happened when they had been out.

He was wearing Magnus's clothes because his own got dirty in the middle of a fight at the restaurant.

Yes, he knew that he would go return the clothes to Magnus later.

Yes, Magnus and him did talk a lot during the time they had spent together, and he did get a few things that would be useful to the next issue of the magazine.

He might be seeing Magnus again, but he wasn't absolutely sure.

Now, it was late at night, and Alec was getting ready for bed when Jace and Isabelle had suddenly barged into his room without knocking.

"Everything," Isabelle had told him, "Everything about your date with Magnus, spill, big brother."

"It wasn't a date," Alec said tiredly, sitting at the side of his bed with one hand on his pillow, it had been a really long day, "He just took me out to eat as a little celebration for my birthday, and as we were there, there just happened to be a fight between some people and we got caught in the crossfire. Just like I told mom."

Jace gestured to Magnus's clothes, which Alec had taken the liberty to carefully folding so he could return them to Magnus the next time he saw him.

"He has a very interesting taste in clothing," Jace noted as he observed the clothes.

Alec had been mortified when he had been wearing them, and hoped that not too many people had seen him in them. Simon, the new cameraman, had muttered something about them being kinky, and Clary had elbowed him and shot what seemed like an attempt for an encouraging smile for Alec. He appreciated that she was trying to make him feel better, but he could see that she herself was a bit taken aback by what he was wearing in contrast to the jeans and dark, plain fabrics he usually donned on a normal day. Once he had gotten home, the first thing he had done was immediately change into fresh clothes of his own, slipping gratefully into the soft, comfortable fabric.

Magnus had really tried to find the plainest, most-casual clothes he had, but he honestly didn't have any. In the end they had decided on a dark green shirt which read across the front in white, sparkling letters, 'Wink for a Kiss', and dark scarlet pants that Alec felt were just a bit too tight for both his legs and his modesty. He decided if there ever for some reason was a next time he had to borrow clothes from Magnus, he would be better staying in his own, soiled and ruined clothes.

"Magnus likes you," Isabelle would not stray from her purpose. Alec put his head in his hands, letting out a long, annoyed, muffled groan. Izzy still would not be discouraged from the topic of her brother's love life, if anything, it just seemed to drive her more.

"And I'm willing to bet that you like him too."

There was a moment of silence, Alec peeked out at the two of them from in between his fingers. The two of them turned to each other for a moment, and Jace and Isabelle seemed to have a silent conversation with their moving eyes that Alec could not follow.

"By the Angel," for a moment, Jace sounded as if he was in awe, which was uncharacteristic for him, "You really do like him, don't you?"

He knew that he couldn't win.

Slowly, Alec moved up one hand to them, using his index finger and his thumb to make a gesture, leaving a bit of space in between them as he talked softly.

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