Chapter 31

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Magnus always loved holidays. There were many holidays that he found to be a little more joyful than others, such as Halloween, or perhaps Valentine's Day. There was, however, one holiday that seemed to outshine the rest. It always had, for Magnus. Not only were there the most dazzling decorations, but there were the best songs, the most ridiculous sweaters, and a sort of warmth from the cold beauty that had started to gather outside.

"Christmas is coming up," he told Alec one day, when they had been enjoying each other's company in the house, "do you think we should decorate the house?"

This, with Alec laying down, spread out on the couch with his head against Magnus's chest, and Magnus draping a comfortable arm around him, they did it often. Sometimes, Alec would read aloud from a book to him, other times, he would fall almost immediately asleep after a particularly long day. Alec always looked so much more peaceful as he slept soundly, more vulnerable, as if he wasn't worried about anything else that was happening in the world.

Magnus wondered to himself what Alec dreamed of.

Magnus himself always seemed to end up dreaming of Alec.

There had been one night of long, slow kissing that had resulted the two of them falling asleep on the couch, their bedrooms dark and empty. The next day, both of them had been late on their schedules, and needed far too much coffee to be able to keep themselves wide away. It had been worth it though.

Magnus loved the sense of peace and serenity that the other boy seemed to bring with him wherever he went. The minute Alec was around, there was a tight tense in Magnus's shoulders that would suddenly relax, and disappear momentarily. Alec didn't even seem to know that he could have this effect on other people, but that fact just seemed to make it even better. They would just sit sometimes for hours, Alec's terrible gray sweatshirts collecting Magnus's fabulous glitter, or one of them might've been stroking Chairman Meow lightly on the head.

Magnus could get a little jealous every once in a while, when his cat would jump lightly off his lap, making almost a mad dash for Alec's pets and attention. Alec would always seem surprised, but then gently run his hands down the animal's back, and then he would smile a little to himself when the cat let out cheerful encouraging mews.

Magnus supposed that he really couldn't blame Chairman Meow, though, Alec was a very wonderful person. Especially when you managed to snag all of his attention.

Chairman Meow had snuck off somewhere to another portion of the house, his tail had been swaying high in the air as he left Alec's lap. It was rare of him, to leave his lap. It seemed to be the place he loved the most, and Alec would often find his pants covered in small, thin cat hairs. Not that the boy really minded now. He was already used to Magnus's glitter seeming to get anywhere.

Alec looked slightly panicked, his eyes widening. Some of Magnus's glitter had managed to stick to his dark hair, shining brightly whenever he moved his head. It was so, terribly endearing.

At another time, Magnus would have the chance to reflect on his mushy thoughts and be disgusted with himself. Magnus had no idea why he looked so alarmed.

"Today is Christmas Eve, Magnus," he told him in a slow voice, "all holiday shopping is done, everything is in place, and now, just now, you want to decorate this place?"

Magnus waved his hand dismissively, "it might be very, very last minute, but we can just put some tinsel around the place, and we'll be done."

"Magnus," Alec told him, "if you haven't noticed, our house has thirteen rooms."

He was pleased that Alec had come to think of the place as their home, instead of just Magnus's. This was a place that they were sharing now, a place where both of them could belong. At first, when they had moved in together, Alec had been so timid around everything. Every time Alec walked into the room with one sort of quiet confidence, not questioning if he really belonged in this place, Magnus felt a short surge of joy sprout from his chest.

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