Chapter 33

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Alec didn't think that he had really ever seen Magnus truly angry before. He had taken Alec back inside, gripping on so tightly to his hand that he was starting to lose the feeling in his fingers. He knew better than to say anything though, to suggest that Magnus let go from the flashing of his gold and green eyes.

In a too calm, too short tone, he had announced loudly to Camille that the two of them would be leaving early. Before their host could even open her mouth to argue, Magnus had swept out of the front door, almost dragging Alec behind him as he slammed the door shut.

Their limo had already arrived, and Magnus slammed the door shut behind him once both of them were in. Alec thought that the entire vehicle had trembled from the force. Magnus didn't say a word until Camille's giant home had disappeared from view, and they were speeding into the city.

"What did she say to you?" he said in a deadly voice, and Alec thought of a bomb that was about to go off at any minute.

"What. Did. Camille. Say?" Magnus growled again when Alec only replied with long silence.

Alec turned to look out of the window, but even then, he was focusing on Magnus's reflection in the window, watching him with a look that Alec couldn't read.

"Will," he said finally, "you and Will, the two of you were once a thing, weren't you?"

"Will?" Magnus's brow furrowed in the reflection of the limo window, "as in Will Herondale?"

Alec nodded slightly.

At this, Magnus suddenly let out a short, bursting laugh. He laughed again, unable to catch his breath, his head thrown back. The sound echoed in Alec's ears.

He whirled on him from the window, anger blooming like sparking fire, "What? What's so funny? You're cheating on me, and you find that so hysterical for what reason, exactly?"

"I'm not," Magnus had to take a couple of moments to catch his breath, "I'm not cheating on you. Will and I were never a thing. Camille thought that I was cheating on her with him, too, when we had still been going out."

Alec's face of anger changed to confusion, he pressed on, "then why did she tell you that she walked in on the two of you kissing?"

"Will had been having a very, very bad day," Magnus explained, shaking his head slightly and smiling as if he was recalling the little memory, "and he came over to my place, asking me to go out with him for a night to get drunk. Naturally, I had to go along to make sure that he didn't get himself into too much trouble."

Alec was silent, and Magnus took this as a sign to continue.

"After a long night of chasing a completely wasted Will around, we decided to collapse at my place. I wasn't going to take him back home, it was almost one in the morning. I had forgotten that Camille was staying over, she had been sleeping in one of the spare rooms."

Alec nodded, "go on."

"And Will, for some reason, was starting to say things, and he was getting to the point when he was starting to see illusions. He was stumbling around like a bull in a china shop, which naturally woke Camille up. For some reason, I had somehow morphed into Tessa Gray, and was now coming on me at a startling speed. And right when she opened the door, William had managed to kiss me right on the lips."

The realization was slowly beginning to dawn on Alec.

"Then, I sent William to go to sleep in one of the spare rooms, it was hell getting him to get into the room. And no matter what I said to Camille that night," Magnus continued on, and he was grimacing a little, "she wanted to break up. I believe her exact words were, 'lying, cheating scoundrel who I never really loved anyways.'"

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