Chapter 19

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"Wait, wait, wait," Isabelle's words were flushed and breathless with laughter as she heaved, desperately trying to catch her breath from laughing too hard again, "How did you manage to set dad's colleagues tie on fire when you were in the middle of a meeting with him?!"

"I told you," Max sounded indignant, kicking at a rock before he continued walking alongside them, there was the sound of the small piece of hard material turning over in the loose gravel, "It was a complete accident."

Jace had a bright grin on his face, it wasn't the fake one that he wore for celebrities and crowds, but it was the real one that made his golden eyes light up in the most amazing way sometimes. He reached over in one fluid motion, his long fingers ruffling up Max's already-messy hair. Max looked annoyed, and pushed his glasses more up on his nose to keep them from falling once again. Alec remembered more than once the different incidents that would occur when his glasses slipped off, and would end up having to get a new pair the next day. This pair of glasses had already been tapped around the frame multiple times, and Max was very careful with them.

"That's my boy," Jace said as he pulled his arm back to fall in step next to Alec once again, "Setting things on fire on accident."

"Do you remember a time when Isabelle accidentally set an omelet on fire?" Alec asked, his hands swinging loosely at his sides as he walked with his siblings, "Well, if you would call what she was trying to make an omelet, anyways. I thought it was sort of oddly shaped, and are omelets usually supposed to be blue?"

Isabelle's dark eyes flashed dangerously at him, and Alec moved aside from her just a bit. His sister was good at many things, she was good at running, at charming celebrities into interviews, and at checking up on articles. One thing Alec, Max, and Jace all knew was that she was not a terribly good cook. Sometimes if he was feeling really nice, and would force down bits of her food, Alec thought that he could actually hear his taste buds crying. At the mention of his sister's cooking, Max's pale complexion turned fairly green, and he looked as if he was about to be sick.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder, turning her nose up to the clear skies, "I told you, I was just experimenting. How was I supposed to know that I wasn't supposed to add so much oil?"

"By reading the instructions in the cookbook," Jace said solemnly, as if he was saying a serious prayer. Isabelle refused to acknowledge his pleading look, her high-heeled boots crunched on a couple of dead leaves beneath them.

"Reading instructions is so overrated," she huffed, crossing her arms in front of her.

They were in one of New York's many parks right now. Today all of them had a free day, since the newest issue of Shadowhunter Gossip just had to be checked up once again before it was published. Mom had decided that it would be best for the newest people to do that, which meant Clary and Simon were back at the headquarters right now. They didn't seem to mind, and Clary had nearly been shaking from excitement for the chance to do this. Simon had a couple of comics that he liked with him, so Alec supposed that he wouldn't die of boredom once he finished looking through all the polished pictures. Besides, lately at the Shadowhunter Gossip headquarters, he had felt as if it had grown a little too crowded. And Alec always felt a tight, painful squeeze that would crunch against his heart and pulse whenever he saw how Jace's eyes would follow Clary as she moved around the room.

He didn't understand what sort of enchantment that Clary must've cast over Jace. He had never seen his best friend look that way around anyone else, he had never seen his face light up like that just when someone would walk right into the room. Alec thought, no, he knew, that it was best if he didn't dwell on such matters. It would just make him feel worse than he already did.

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