Chapter 39

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Raphael Santiago died in a car crash the next day, early in the morning. Before they had even started to plan for Ragnor's funeral. Catarina was the one who found out first, and had called Magnus. Alec heard about it from Magnus. Magnus and Alec would pay for both of their funerals.

The funerals had been three days apart from each other, but both of them had seemed to go by like nothing more than a blur. A blur of black and gray, and of fake apologies and pitying eyes. Both he and Catarina had written and read eulogies for their lost friends. Magnus remembered trying to pour everything he felt into those words he had spent hours choosing, but finding out that the words didn't seem to hold anything at all. They just seemed fake, they didn't hold what Magnus truly meant.

He had meant to try and show everyone, just how much he would miss them. How he would turn to his side, ready to make a snide remark to Ragnor that would make him roll his eyes. Only to find that he wasn't there anymore. He wanted to show how he would look through movies he wanted to be casted in, searching for the young director's name. Only to realize that it would never appear again.

Instead, he had said something about how their hearts should have continued beating.

None of it was how he really felt.

It rained, just pouring, on and on. Alec wanted it to stop. He knew that Magnus disliked rain, the way it got his hair or his clothes wet, and how it stung if the drops were particularly accurate on the top of your head.

He didn't say a word, though. Instead, Alec's husband simply stared outside at the rain, never moving. Magnus didn't have any glitter in his hair, and was just wearing plain colors. He had taken off all his jewelry, anything that made him bright and shining. Magnus just stared now, forever looking into the rain, never acknowledging when Alec or Max came into the room.

Somehow, their son knew without saying that his other father was going through something hard. He never bothered Magnus to get him to read a book with him, or take him to the ice-cream place he loved.

The movie production had suddenly been stopped, or at least, it would be, until they managed to find a new director that could carry on Raphael's work. Alec had dropped out of it, for once in his life, not caring how inconvenient it made it for everyone else. Rebecca Lewis had managed to snatch a small part in the movie, and had begged for him to stay. He hadn't listened to her reasoning. In a way, he felt furious.

How could they just carry on like that after losing Raphael? It didn't seem right. Alec would have no part in it.

Now, Alec was the one who took Max to school, made sure that he was sleeping and eating. Magnus's plates of food were never really touched. He would just stare at the food that Alec brought him, silently.

Alec felt guilty that he hadn't been affected as much as Magnus had by their death. But he supposed, it was because he hadn't been super close to them in a way that Magnus had. Although it was hard to remember at times, Alec was still so new to Magnus's world, compared to everything else. Ragnor and Raphael, they had been there for Magnus for so many years now. And now, they had just suddenly been removed from it. Removed too soon.

Alec would just give him all the time he needed to heal from it He knew that sometimes, people just needed a bit of space. He could take care of Max himself until then.

Yet, as the days passed on, he wondered if Magnus Bane would ever shine again.

Magnus's phone was always ringing. It was always ringing with calls from magazines, wanting photoshoots. Or opportunities to be cast in new movies. Once in a while it would be other celebrities, or charities inviting him to come to different parties. Occasionally, it could be a crazed fan that had somehow discovered his private number. Magnus had had to change his phone number three times in the past because a little girl, Maureen, had kept on finding it and had kept on calling him. Sometimes, Catarina would be the one calling to remind him of how full his schedule was.

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