Take Your Time (Camren)

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A/N: I didn't proofread so sorry for mistakes I'm extremely tired.

Take Your Time – Camren

I don't know if you were looking at me or not

You probably smile like that all the time

And I don't mean to bother you but

I couldn't just walk by

And not say hi

"Lauren, come on. You never come to the bar with us. Live for once man!" Ally exclaims as she tries to pry Lauren off her bed.

"I don't know Ally; I don't really feel like it." She replies as she runs her hand through her dark locks.

"Nope, I don't care you get your ass into a pair of skinny jeans and your leather jacket in the next five minutes or I will drag you out of this house naked and take you."

"Alright, alright quit nagging me mom, I'll change." As Lauren stands up from her bed she contemplates if going out tonight is worth it. She hasn't really been the kind of person who goes out; she usually just hides away in her room with her music. Eh fuck it, why not? Lauren thinks as she grabs her leather jacket and black boots and throws them on and then makes her way out to Ally's car.

"I knew you'd come to the dark side." Ally exclaims as she playfully punches Lauren's arm.

"What can I say, you guys have cookies. If there are cookies I'm down." Lauren says as she lets out a small laugh.

"Get ready for an amazing night Laur, you won't regret it!" Ally replies as she cranks up the music and jams out to a multitude of upbeat songs. Lauren does her best to zone out and looks out the window to see the stars dancing across the night sky. Then suddenly something catches her eye. Outside a coffee shop she witnesses a couple arguing. She doesn't think much of it until she sees the man punch the women.

"Ally stop the car." Lauren says sternly.

"No way, you're not bailing on me." She replies.

"Ally, seriously stop the fucking car!" Lauren yells, and in which Ally obliges and Lauren jumps out the car and speed walks over to the man who is beating on the girl.

And I know your name

'Cause everybody in here knows your name

And you're not looking for anything right now

So I don't wanna come on strong

But don't get me wrong

Your eyes are so intimidating

My heart is pounding

It's just a conversation

No girl I'm not gonna waste it

You don't know me

I don't know you but I want too

"Hey! What the fuck do you think you're doing man?" Lauren says as she feels the anger boiling inside her.

"Shut the fuck up, this doesn't concern you." The man replies as he faces Lauren. He's not much taller than Lauren, but he's still intimidating.

"Yeah well, I'm not just gonna let you beat on her for no reason you shit head."

"So I'm supposed to be afrai-"The girl cuts him off. "Shawn stop, let's just go." She says as she pulls at his arm.

"Camila shut up, you don't know anything you stupid slut." Hey says as he pushes her away from him. Camila, as in Camila my old best friend? Lauren thinks to herself.

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