All Night (Wayhaught)

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All Night - Again, my first Wayhaught one-shot. Take it easy mates.

My heart beats a little faster
When our eyes meet in the middle of a crowded room
In knee deep, testin' waters
I've got a feelin' and I don't know what to do

Waverly Earp is a lot of things. She's perky, she's optimistic, she's funny at times, she's cute as a button. But she's not gay. At least that's what she thought.

She went to the town bar with her sister one night. They tend to do it often since there's not much to do in their small town. You work during the day and you drink at night. There's a good chance that half the town could be considered alcoholics. Including Waverly's sister Wynonna.

"Doc! Two shots of your best whiskey please," Wynonna requests with a cheeky smile. Doc sets down a bottle of Elijah Craig for the two sisters to drink.

"To us! For surviving another day in this shit hole," Wynonna says as she raises her glass to Waverly's and they both down the contents.

They do that again.

Across the bar is the very beautiful Nicole Haught. She's new to town. Moved just recently because she's always found the small town vibe to be interesting.

Nicole watches Waverly. She can't seem to shake the girl. She's undeniably pretty. But there's something else Nicole can't quite put her finger on.

Soon enough their eyes meet.

Nicole smiles.

Waverly shits her pants.

You got me paralyzed and I think I like it
Caught me by surprise, I'm not usually like this, no
Got me paralyzed, don't think I can help it
Why does it feel so right?

Waverly looks like a deer caught in headlights. Literally. She's never seen someone so beautiful before. Smile back you dipshit. Waverly finally reciprocates the smile and Nicole winks before she makes her way over to the pool table.

"Ah, I saw that Waves, who's the hottie," Wynonna teases.

Waverly doesn't reply. She's to busy staring at Nicole's ass and particularly how good it looks in the blue jeans she's wearing.

"Earth to Waverly," Wynonna says as she waves her hand in front of her face. 

Waverly snaps out of her trance, "What? Who? Huh," she says disorientated. 

"Who's the hottie you were eye-fucking," Wynonna questions. 

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Shut up and drink," Waverly replies as she takes another shot. Wynonna and Waverly continue their night, however, Waverly can't keep her eyes off of Nicole. 

Nicole notices this too. So when Wynonna leaves to go to the bathroom Nicole walks over to the bar that Waverly is sitting at. The red-head smiles at Waverly and orders herself another drink.

Waverly just stares in awe. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer," Nicole confidently says. 

"What? Oh no, I, I wasn't-"

"You've been staring at me all night. I noticed you. You're cute," Nicole says and winks as she walks back to the pool table. 

Waverly opens her mouth as if she's gonna say something but she doesn't. Her heart races when Nicole winks and Waverly doesn't know what's happening. She's not like this. She doesn't get worked up so easily, let alone over a girl. But she can't shake the feeling. It just feels so right. 

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