Close As Strangers (Kaylor)

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Close As Strangers- Kaylor - Basically the same speech from the last one-shot. It's my first Kaylor one-shot so take it easy alright?

Six weeks since I've been away
And now you're saying everything has changed
And I'm afraid that I might be losing you (losing you)

Karlie and Taylor are both very busy people. Being a model, Karlie is almost always at a shoot or at some fashion show. And then there's her Kode With Klossy program that she's worked so hard on. And Taylor, well Taylor is Taylor. She's a Grammy-winning, multi-platinum musician. Taylor Swift has worked her ass off to become what she is today.

Even if it meant hiding her sexuality to get to the big leagues. But she's managed to have a love-life. And that was quite difficult. Emily was her first love, and that well, that didn't end well. And it broke Taylor's heart. But it did sell two amazing albums.

Dianna, well Dianna and Taylor's relationship was a bit more complicated. And that resulted in two more amazing albums.

Karlie though. Karlie Kloss. That girl meant more than anything to Taylor. She wrote one of her best albums about her. And with that came a tour. The reputation stadium tour. Starting in May and not ending until November.

It was only June. The tour started not even five weeks ago. And Taylor missed Karlie more than anything. She hated being away from Karlie. She hated not being in her arms at night. She hated not being able to see her smile first thing in the morning. She hated not being able to kiss her. She hated not being with her.

And every night that we spend alone
It kills me thinking of you on your own
And I wish I was back home next to you (next to you)

"I'm sorry, you have reached the voicemail box of Karlie Kloss. Please leave a message after-" Taylor hangs up the phone. She misses Karlie so much. So much that she can feel her heart aching. She lays down on her hotel bed and turns the TV on. She aimlessly surf's the channels looking for something, anything to distract her.

It sucks. Karlie is probably at a photo shoot for Adidas's "Fearless AF" campaign. Taylor is so proud of Karlie. Really, she is. Karlie has done so much for her brand since 2014. She's built herself to be one of the most known models in the fashion industry, and being Taylor's "best-friend" did sort of help that.

But most of that was done by Karlie. Because of that, her schedule has become so busy. They barely get to talk to each other anymore.

It sucks.

Oh, every day
You feel a little bit further away
And I don't know what to say

"I'm sorry you have reached the voicemail box of Taylor Swift. Please leave a-" Karlie hangs up the phone and sighs. It's an hour before Taylor is set to go on stage. She should have known better than to try and call Taylor. She's never on her phone before the show.

Karlie sighs and lays down on Taylor's bed in her New York apartment. Taylor gave Karlie the key a while ago. And whenever Karlie really misses her, like misses her so much she thinks she might die without seeing her soon misses her, she goes to Taylor's place. She lays on her bed, mainly because it smells like Taylor.

She clutches on Taylor's favorite pillow and switches the TV onto Netflix and starts to watch Grey's Anatomy. She hates the show. She thinks it's pointless repetitive and too focused on sex. But Taylor loves it. And it reminds her of Taylor. So she binge-watches it to halfway through the second season before she falls asleep.

She wakes the next morning at four thirty like she always does. She checks Instagram and see's Taylor's Instagram story. And she smiles as she sees her beautiful girlfriend smiling with Camila and Charli.

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