Marry Me (Camren)

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*Loosely based on the music video*

Marry Me

She wants to get married, she wants it perfect
She wants her grandaddy preaching the service
Yeah, she wants magnolias out in the country
Not too many people, save her daddy some money

Camila and Lauren have been friends for forever. At least that's how it seems. They grew up as neighbors. Lauren being a year older always found fun things for them to do. At seven and six years old they were inseparable. Lauren would always peek her head into Camila's living room (not in a creepy way.) It was how they got each other's attention.

One would climb up the windowsill and peak in to get the other's attention. It worked most of the time. There were only a few times when Lauren peaked in and saw Camila's parents and not her Camila. Which did result in a few weird looks from the Cabello's. But it was normal. They were normal.

Lauren always wanted to play catch and Camila always wanted to play dress-up. They'd play catch a few times. But whenever Camila would pout, and look at Lauren with her warm eyes, Lauren couldn't say no. She wanted to make Camila happy, even if that meant putting on a dress and drinking fake tea. If it made Camila smile, it made Lauren smile.

Ooh, she got it all planned out
Yeah, I can see it all right now

Lauren was a senior in high school. Camila was a junior. Lauren was the captain of the softball team. The only good sports team at Miami High. Besides the football team. (Most of the kids there like softball better anyway, including Camila.) Camila was friends with all of Lauren's friends, partly because Camila always hung out with them, and partly because Camila was in advanced placement classes with most of them.

It was late May. The Miami High softball team was taking on their rival Tampa Regional. It was the state championship game. Lauren was more nervous than she ever was. Before the game her coach gave the team a whole speech about whatever happens in this game, he's proud of them all. They worked hard to get here, and they deserve it all.

Most of the time, the games are during the day, however since Miami High was the higher seed in the bracket, they got to pick what time it was at. Lauren and her co-captain Carmilla decided to make it a night game. Why not have our last game a night game? They both thought.

"Carm, I-I'm really nervous, I've never been this nervous before." Lauren expressed.

"Don't be cupcake. We got this. They don't know what's coming. If you're really nervous, why don't you go talk to your girlfriend and get some of it out? That's what I did, and Laura definitely helped with that, if you know what I mean." Carmilla added with a wink.

"She's not my girlfriend Carm."

"She should be." Carmilla replied, "Look Sundance, you're amazing, you're captain of this team cause you're the best we have. So, go out there, play you're heart out and give it all you got. That's all anyone can ask for."

They hugged and left the locker room and went to the dugout where the rest of the team was. Miami High had a very nice field. It was a mini stadium. Stadium chairs that were elevated, heated dugouts. It was beautiful. Camila was sitting right behind the home teams dugout wearing Lauren's away jersey.

Both team captains met at home plate for the umpire to give his speech about respecting both teams and their players. Lauren walked back to the dugout where her team was waiting for her. She gave them a speech, and then they were on their way. Lauren looked up to find Camila smiling down back at her. That's all it took for Lauren to have confidence. She winked at Camila and jogged out to center field for the game to start.

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