Happier (Camren)

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Lauren and Camila were the power couple of Litchfield High School. The couple everyone hated because they were so cute. The couple that everyone wanted to have. They were that couple. But things change and people make mistakes. And for Lauren, it might possibly just be the worst mistake of her life.

Walking down 29th and Park
I saw you in another's arms
Only a month we've been apart
You look happier

Camila was sitting in the cafeteria reading Everything, Everything. Her friends, Dinah, Ally, and Callie were sitting around her having random conversations with each other but Camila hadn't cared to listen. She was too engulfed in the story. Lauren could see her from the line at the salad bar she was in. She smiled to herself as she watched Camila's eyes scan the pages of the book. Just talk to her you idiot. She thought to herself. As she was about to make her way over she came to a halt.

She saw Camia's eyes shine as her girlfriend walked towards her table. They kissed and Lauren could feel her heart break. She stood there frozen as she watched the tall blond wrap her arm around Camila. She whispered something in the Latina's ear and erupted into a fit of laughter. Lauren snapped out of it turned around and walked towards her table where her friends quickly greeted her. She mumbled a hello and covered her face with her hands.

Saw you walk inside a bar
He said something to make you laugh
I saw that both your smiles were twice as wide as ours
Yeah, you look happier, you do

"Lo, what's wrong?" Lauren's best friend Normani asked.

"She probably saw JJ and Camila kiss again," Arizona, co-captain of the softball team, replies.

"You'll be okay Lauren. You'll feel it one day," Quinn says trying to sympathize with her.

"I wish I could hate her but I can't because she makes Camz happy. Happier than I've ever seen her. And shes so perfect with her dumb blond hair and dumb blue eyes and dumb personality." Lauren says as she runs her hand through her hair.

"Laur, stop being a little bitch and get your girl back," Poussey says as she takes a bite of her peperoni pizza.

Lauren sighs, "I can't, I hurt her. And she won't even talk to me, answer any of my texts, return any of my calls, I even e-mailed her and I got nothing. I fucked up big time, and she's moved on and I don't think I'll ever get her back.

*Four Months ago*

Lauren was invited to a party by Arizona. She told Camila that she could come but the younger Latina insisted on staying home because she wasn't feeling good. Lauren said she'd stay with her but Camila wanted her to go have fun. So she did. And she drank. A lot. Probably way too much. Between the countless tequila shots and hits of weed Lauren was clearly under the influence.

She met this girl named Lucy. Who was really pretty. Her hair brown hair cascaded down her back and her brown eyes were warm and soft and Lauren swears she saw them on someone before. But she couldn't remember who.

They danced together. All night. Lucy grinded on Lauren, Lauren grinded on Lucy. It was during Skin by Rihanna when the lines began to blur. Lauren's hips were swaying to the beat as Lucy wrapped her arms around her hips and started kissing the green-eyed girl's neck. A low moan escaped Lauren's mouth as a response to the sensation. Lucy took that as an invitation and turned Lauren around so that she was facing her and kissed her. She pulled on her bottom lip and when Lauren gripped tightly on to her waist, she took it as a sign.

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