One Last Time (Camren)

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One Last Time ~ Camren (I love this song)

I was a liar

I gave into the fire

I know I should've fought it

At least I'm being honest

Lauren arrived back her apartment she shared with Normani after a long day of work. She walked into her bed room and changed out of her work attire, which for that day was a black pencil skirt, a white blouse paired with a black blazer and black heels, and put on a pair of baggy grey sweatpants and white V-neck. As she's leaving her room she nearly runs into Normani.

"Uh, hey Laur, how was work," Normani questions as she sips her hot coco. This winter was one of the coldest winter's New York has ever experienced and neither of them are enjoying the freezing temperatures and the crystal snow that falls on an endless loop. Lauren likes to call it "Gods dandruff" sometimes.

"Same shit different day." Lauren replies as she walks passed Normani to pour her a cup as well. After pouring herself a cup, she walks towards the living room but stops when she sees the envelope on the counter addressed to "Ms. Hamilton". Normally she wouldn't care, but after seeing the return address she grew a sudden interest.

"Mani what's this," Lauren asks as she slides the cardstock paper out of the envelope. Her heart stops as she reads its contents. You are cordially invited to attend the marriage of Karla Camila Cabello and Shawn Peter Mendes. The tears don't even hesitate to fall as she keeps rereading the card. Marriage. She's getting married. She's fucking getting married.

"No this, this can't be happening. Mani please tell me it's a joke," Lauren pleads as she desperately looks at Normani, which Normani can only offer a sad smile as she knows it's true.

"Lauren, I" Normani tries, but is quickly interrupted.

"No, no this, I can't, she, no!" Lauren screams as she shakes her head. She thought she had more time. She thought she'd be able to win her back. She thought Camila loved her. Not knowing what to do she grabs her keys and exits her apartment just as fast as she got there.

She drives aimlessly, just drives. Trying to clear her mind. She can't believe this is happening. She can't believe Camila is getting married. After all of the Camren drama that happened during Fifth Harmony, after all the stolen glances, the not so subtle flirting, and the sexual tension she's moved on. To him of all people, it just had to be Shawn didn't it. This is like a major bitch slap by God for not growing the balls to tell Camila how she really felt.

Yeah sure, Lauren fucked up once. Okay, maybe more than once. Sure she may have been afraid to admit her feelings to Camila and she ran to Lucy and did stupid shit with her, or Brad, or Luis. She fucked up, and she'll admit it. She just never thought she'd lose the chance to actually tell Camila that she loves her.

Before her brain can tell her not too, she's dialing Camila's number.

Feel like a failure

'Cause I know that I failed you

I should've done you better

'Cause you don't want a liar (come on)

"Hello? Lauren?" Just hearing her beautiful voice makes Lauren melt.

"Lauren are you there?" Lauren want's to say something, anything, but she's struggling to get out words, instead released as sobs.


"Please don't do it," Lauren finally says.

"Lo that's not fair. And you know it."

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