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In the battle of the five armies, Thorin Oakenshield and his two nephews perished. It was believed that the Oakenshield line was gone forever. What they didn't know was that Adalia, the bastard child of Lady Galadriel, was with child, his child. The only people who knew of the pregnancy at the time was Gandalf, Balin, and Thorin. Six months along, Gandalf escorted Adalia to Lothlorien where she went through a hard labor. She gave birth to a healthy girl given the name Arietta-meaning 'little song'. She grew up in Lothlorien until the age of 47 when she was put under the apprenticeship of Gandalf the Grey. She was three years from the mature age of most elves but being half-dwarf, she matured slightly faster. There she traveled alongside Gandalf, being taught sorcery and other necessary skills, for twenty years until-like her mother-was called for an adventure.

In the following pages, you will learn of Arietta's journey. Do not enter close-minded. Do not pass judgment until the end because-after all-she is young, and she is learning. But in the end, everyone changes. Some for the better, some for the worse. So enjoy, sit back and follow along a very overshadowed character.

*Link to official 'Wizard's Apprentice' blog in external link

*Trailer in side

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