Chapter 9

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We were stopped by guards as we neared the hall. 

"I cannot allow you before King Théoden so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Grima Wormtongue." Gandalf nodded for us to turn over our weapons and we did. 

"Your staff," Hama said to Gandalf. 

"You would not part an old man from his walking stick." I'm glad I had a ring instead of a staff. Hama rolled his eyes at Gandalf before leading us into the hall. Gandalf winked at Aragorn and pretended to lean on Legolas as if an old man would. It was quite amusing, really. 

"The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden king," Gandalf said and Wormtongue leaned over and whispered something into Théoden's ear. 

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf?" I took a step forward. 

"Because he is the greatest wizard alive, far more powerful than any man or Saruman himself." Wormtongue ran to me, taking his fist and hitting me in the cheek. The blow had enough force to send me to the ground. 

"You hit like a girl, Wormtongue. Do you want me to give you lessons?" He glared at me. 

"A woman should know her place," he spat as I got up. I smirked at him, causing him to grow even more furious. 

"I know my place. I don't think that you know where yours is." Wormtongue charged at me again but this time, he flew backwards. 

"What did you do?!" he shouted angrily. I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at the remaining fellowship. They were trying their best not to laugh, even Gandalf. Wormtongue gave me one last glare before turning to Gandalf. 

"Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest." 

"Be silent," Gandalf ordered. Wormtongue froze. 

"Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." Gandalf raised his staff. 

"His staff. I told you to take the wizard's staff," Wormtongue hissed at Hama. The men came at us and we fought them. Taking them out easily, which was a shame. I enjoy fights sometimes. Gandalf grabbed my hand and pulled me with him towards Théoden. 

"Théoden, son of Thengel, too long have you sat in the shadows. Harken to me! I release you from this spell." Gandalf held out his hand and concentrated. Nothing happened. Théoden began to laugh menacingly and Gandalf opened his eyes. 

"Gandalf, I think you need to hit him over the head with you staff." Gandalf gave me a look that clearly said that my comment wasn't as funny as I thought it was. 

"You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey." Gandalf threw open his cloak angrily and a blinding light issued from him. Théoden was thrown back against his seat. Gandalf turned to me with pleading eyes and I walked up beside him. Gandalf thrust his staff towards Théoden at the same time that I put my hand out. Light emitted from it and I felt a wonderful sensation as the energy coursed through my body. Théoden's aura began to change and I heard Saruman's voice. 

"If I go, Théoden dies." 

"You did not kill, you will not kill him," Gandalf replied. I turned my attention back to healing Théoden of the darkness that Saruman had filled him with. 

"Rohan is mine," Théoden/Saruman said, trying to fight only my power since Gandalf was no longer using his magic. 

"Be gone!" Gandalf commanded. Théoden moaned and fell from his throne as I crumpled to the ground in exhaustion. Legolas ran to my side. 

✓ Wizard's Apprentice - Legolas Fanfiction - wαttч αwαrds 2013! [original draft]Where stories live. Discover now