Chapter 1

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  I ran through the halls, trying not to be late for the council meeting. I turned a corner and ran right into an elf. My bow and arrows fell off of my shoulder into the floor with a soft thud.

"Sorry, my lady," the elf said. He bent down and retrieved my items as I stood up. Then I took in his appearance. He had long blonde hair the color of milk, eyes as blue as the ocean yet I wasn't too impressed. Those features were common in Lothlorien. Even I had similar traits.

"It was my fault really. I was trying to get to the council meeting on time but I'm usually late." The elf smiled and extended his hand.

"I'm Legolas." I took it kindly. His hands were unusually soft, thinking of the bow on his own back.

"I'm Arietta," I replied, causing his eyes to widen in recognition.

"You're the daughter of Adalia and granddaughter of Lady Galadriel." I nodded, slightly embarrassed. Noticing my embarrassment, Legolas changed the subject.

"We better get to the council meeting," he said and we started walking towards the gathering hall.


    We sat in a circle, listening to Lord Elrond talk. I wasn't too interested but being an apprentice this long, I had experience with boring conversations.

"You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor." He said a few more sentences about unity, but like I said, I wasn't paying attention. Well, not until they called the hobbit forth.

"Bring forth the ring, Frodo," he said and little Frodo walked up to him. He laid it on a pedestal slowly. A little too slowly, I thought. Everyone leaned forward in their seats and whispered quietly, their voices all blending in together. Boromir stood up before slowly inching towards the ring, talking about a dream he had. He reached out to touch it, raising a red flag inside of me and I looked at Gandalf questioningly. He nodded in approval. Without further hesitation, I flicked my finger at Boromir, causing fire to shoot forth and burn him in the hand. He yelped and pulled his hand away and then came towards me, angry. This will be pleasant.

"What gave you the right to do that? Aren't you just some silly little girl?" I stood up quickly, ready to knock his sorry butt back to Gondor, but Lord Elrond stopped me.

"Lady Arietta, sit down. There is no need for a fight right now," Lord Elrond said. I sat back down beside Gandalf, slightly flushed. I kinda wanted to beat up the steward's son but of course, Elrond ruins the fun. 

Boromir started pacing and asked for the ring to be given to Gondor. Is he really that stupid? Oh wait, of course he is.

"The ring only answers to Sauron," Aragorn said.

"What would a ranger know?" sneered Boromir.

"That's no mere Ranger, that's Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance," Legolas said, pushing his chair back and standing up. The room went silent and Boromir let out a small gasp that only the acute hearing would be able to pick up.

"Aragorn?" he asked in disbelief. I began picking at my nails with little interest in the conversation.

"The heir to the Gondor Empire," Legolas confirmed.

"We'll have it at that, Legolas," Lord Elrond said. Legolas sat down.

"Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king," Boromir said in a low voice before walking back to his seat. Oh look, one of my cuticles is damaged. How sad. I couldn't dwell on it anymore because pulled me away from my nails, scolding me with his eyes. I rolled mine before giving my attention to Elrond.

✓ Wizard's Apprentice - Legolas Fanfiction - wαttч αwαrds 2013! [original draft]Where stories live. Discover now