Chapter 13

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I ran my finger up and down a wooden column, thinking about Haldir. He died fighting for me. What if it had been Legolas? I cringed at the thought. Then I wanted to hit myself over feeling worse about Legolas dying than Haldir. Suddenly, a loud boom echoed around us and the women and children whimpered. I laughed softly at how naive they are. They've never seen war, they've been protected their whole life. Maybe if they weren't babied so much, Rohan would stand a chance. Then again, they had a horrible king.

"Arietta, any thoughts?" Aragorn asked from beside Théoden. I didn't have any clue of what they were talking about. 

"Thoughts on what?" Legolas sent me a worried look while Théoden gave me a glare. 

"You aren't taking this seriously! This is probably just some imaginary game that you believe will go away if you want it to!" Théoden yelled at me. I clenched my fists and walked over to him. 

"It is very real to me. A very good friend of mine died saving me and I couldn't mourn because I'm trying to save your kingdom. So please tell me again, King of Rohan, how this is all just make believe to me." Théoden looked at me speechlessly while I pushed passed him and tried making my way to the corner. Aragorn grabbed my hand before I could. 

"You're not in this alone. I was friends with Haldir as well." I pulled out of his grip in one, quick, violent motion, catching Aragorn by surprise. 

"Tell me what to do, Strider." Aragorn turned away with a hurt expression, then it turned thoughtful. 

"Ride out with me." I gave a startled look. Apparently Aragorn had eaten some messed up mushrooms. 

"Ride out with me," he repeated. 

"For death and glory," Théoden added. 

I looked between them. 

"I'll ride out with you," I said, realizing that I will most likely die. Maybe I had eaten some of those mushrooms, too. 

"Let this be the hour when we draw swords together. Fell deeds awake, now for wrath, now for ruin and a red dawn!" Théoden placed his helmet on his head before mounting. We followed suit right before the door busted open and orcs poured in. Our decimated army charged out of the hall, making our way along a road. I shot little bursts of fire here and there, tiring out way too quickly. Soon, I was basically riding around, trying not to die. Then I turned towards the rising sun. Gandalf was there and so was someone else. Someone I didn't expect. 

"Mom?" I said in disbelief. Suddenly, a massive army rode down and began fighting the Uruk-hai. I watched as my mother, dressed in leather and holding a long sword from her journey with the dwarves, took out orcs like it was nothing. Soon, there were only a handful of orcs left, and those who were, fled. 

"Victory! We have victory!" Théoden yelled and everyone began cheering, except for me. I fell from Baralin in exhaustion. Baralin grunted in annoyance.

"You were always lazing around," my mother's voice said above me. She chuckled then.  

"C'mon, leggie, pick up the poor girl. She looks like she is about to die." I felt my weight being lifted and when I opened my eyes, Legolas was there.  

"Drop me and I'll murder you," I manage to croak out before falling unconscious.

I watched the soldiers pile up the orc bodies as Legolas made his way over to Gimli and I. I still hadn't regained my strength but wasn't near death. 

"Final count 42." Gimli scoffed at Legolas's amount. 

"Forty two? That's not bad for a pointy-eared elvish prince-ling. I myself am sitting pretty on 43." Legolas's face dropped before he suddenly fired at an orc that Gimli was sitting on. 

"Forty-three," Legolas said, causing Gimli to get frustrated. 

"He was already dead!" 

"He was twitching." 

"He was twitching because he's got my axe buried in his nervous system," Gimli said, demonstrating this by moving his axe, causing the orc's limbs to move. Legolas rolled his eyes before turning to me. 

"What's your final count?" 

"I lost count at 145." Gimli shot up in protest. 

"But you have magic. That's not fair!" 

"Calm down, Gimli. I forfeit, anyways," I said before standing up and walking away. Someone grabbed my hand and twisted me around.

It was Legolas.

"Hey, are you alright?" I nodded half-heartily.

"No you aren't. Come here." He pulled me closer to him, rubbing my hand with his thumb. I buried my face into his chest. I didn't cry but hearing the rhythmic sound of his heart eased me.

"I love you Legolas."

"I love you as well." I connected my mouth to his.

Of grieving

copyright 2011 by jon gutmacher

She sat alone

in empty place

the tears were streaking

down her face

for he had passed

left her alone

so desolate

in empty


Her friends had come

and then they'd gone

they did their duty

and then

moved on

and left her there

an empty place

alone with thoughts

and tear streaked


No touch of hand

no warmth of kiss

and all of this

was she

for on and on

for evermore

without his voice

And brave she was

until that day

when she too passed

and went


and joined him there

another place

together at last

in death's


You shed a tear

this story true

for it is something

you always knew

but do not cry

and do not fear

they're now together

and always near

For true love

never dies with age

it lives on and on

it never fades

it just moves to

another place

another dimension

in God's

Great Grace

✓ Wizard's Apprentice - Legolas Fanfiction - wαttч αwαrds 2013! [original draft]Where stories live. Discover now